Chapter 51-52

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Chapter 51

Tang Tang put on the full isolation suit issued. It is said that this dress can even be prevented from radiation. The hood is also fully enclosed. This suit is exactly the same as the one in Huang Jialiang's photo.

The boy lost any news after sending the photo. However, I heard that the signal was greatly disturbed outside because of the volcanic ash. Therefore, it is normal that you can't get in touch.

When he was ready, Tang Tang followed the team and walked towards the gate of the bunker.

This gathering of evolutioners, although many people are very worried after listening to Mayor He's words. However, in the end, all civilian evolutioners are willing to follow the soldiers. Forest City Bunker is their home. If they care about themselves selfishly, sooner or later, relatives and friends living in the bunker will lose their home to survive.

In the third year of the end of the world, people finally had this awareness.

This time, 10 people were in a small team and 5 teams in a large team. Both the captain and the captain are military personnel.

The young captain of Tang Tang's team is Lao Liu, who often cooperated with before.

"Captain Liu, thank you for your hard work this time." Tang Tang greeted Captain Liu with a smile.

In addition to Captain Liu, there are also four soldiers in their 10-person team. The remaining five are all civilian evolutioners.

In addition, there is a doctor accompanying each brigade. Jianghe, as a rare doctor and an evolutionary, was assigned to Tang Tang's brigade.

Fifty evolutionians formed a large team to act together, even if half of them were civilians without professional military training. It is still very fast to act.

From the bunker to the ground, you need to go through a long winding staircase. Along the way, 50 people wore heavy isolation clothes and whispered to their new friends around them. When it comes to the ground, the situation is unknown.

The most important thing for everyone is to save their lives. Then the task is completed.

Five of the 10-person team where Tang Tang is located are soldiers. Everyone often goes on rescue missions together and is very familiar with each other. The remaining five civilians, one of whom is Jianghe, and one is the tall neighbor living opposite Tangtang's house. The remaining two don't know each other.

After walking through the long staircase, they exchanged names with each other.

At the top of the stairs is a thick metal door guarded by soldiers. However, at this time, a sealed room for air filtering has been installed on the road in front of the gate. They will leave this room and step into the gray world full of volcanic ash.


As soon as he stepped on the ground, Tang Tang felt that his feet were as soft as stepping into the fine sand pile. She lowered her head and could see it through the mask. The boots on the feet are about to be covered with gray sand. And the sediment she thought was actually volcanic ash.

Like Tang Tang, when they set foot on this familiar land, they were surprised by this strange sense of foot.

Then Tang Tang looked up. At a glance, it is a gray world.

It was probably 10 o'clock in the morning, but the light emitted by the five suns could not completely penetrate the thick gray-black clouds above their heads. The previously frightening strong sunlight is like the dawn of the end of the world, occasionally breaking through the blockade of black clouds and shining on the earth.

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