Chapter 47-48

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Chapter 47

In such a grand year, in order to compete for a sunflower, the casualties caused were too tragic.

The news spread back to the Fortress of Lincheng, and the whole bunker shook.

People reflect for the first time, is it true that it is true to blindly pursue sunflowers?

Are sunflowers really worth the price they pay for? I even left so many family members, relatives and friends who needed their care, and the future.

At the end of this world, high temperature and drought did not hit them, and the worms did not eat them. These people died in the hands of human beings themselves. This conclusion sounds so sad and ridiculous. It's even so unworthy.

After more than a month in the whole forest city bunker, only one ordinary person has successfully found the sunflower. And after eating the sunflower into my stomach, I didn't see anything. He is much better physically, but he has not become a powerful evolution. It doesn't seem to be cost-effective.

This cruel contrast made many people's hot heads calm down.

Tang Tang looked at all kinds of reflection posts that began to appear on the Internet and felt very sad.

Didn't Professor Wu of the National Academy of Sciences say these words? Why didn't you listen at that time? Do you have to pay so many living lives before you start calming down and thinking?

For more than a month, it is not just Lincheng Bunker. Incidents such as forest city bunkers have also occurred in bunkers in other cities of the country. It's just because these places are not areas where space is released. People did not face the magic of space or feel the shock of space at the scene. Therefore, the residents of these places are slightly more crazy than Lincheng. Naturally, the casualties are much smaller.

After such a vicious casualty, Lincheng Bunker once again restricted the daily population entering and leaving the bunker in accordance with the requirements of the National Command Center.

In this case, nearly tens of thousands of families who lost their pillars appeared in the bunker. This crazy and blind pursuit of sunflowers subsided slightly.

The whole Lincheng bunker has entered a relatively stable state.

Tang Tang began an ordinary life of carrying out a mission and resting for a period of time.


At the same time, the research team of the National Academy of Sciences, which is responsible for detecting solar activity, has repeatedly detected abnormally active changes in the original sun. Moreover, the value of this change is very similar to the data before the first and second small sun appeared.

With the abnormal activity of the primitive sun, the concentration of free solar energy in the air increases again. Even if ordinary people wear thermal insulation clothes, they gradually become unadapted to the surface world. Gradually, all the soldiers who appeared on the earth's surface to perform tasks were replaced by evolution. The private exploration team composed of ordinary people can no longer leave the bunker.

Because of such a different movement, experts from the National Academy of Sciences even raised the comments on whether the colorful aperture would appear in advance. The first two colorful apertures appeared, separated by one year. Does this abnormal movement of the sun indicate that the colorful aperture will appear in advance? Will the sky add a small sun again?

With such a question, the testing team kept shifting day and night for fear of missing any change in numbers. Even the country began to send early warning signals. It is recommended that Chinese people should not walk on the surface if they are not necessary.

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