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Haseena Malik(HM):- SHO of MPT. Serious towards work but has a small mischievous child hidden within and comes out  whenever she wants to...Loves to irritate ks the most as she loves her and also cares alot for her but unable to tell her as ks thinks her only colleague...

Karishma Singh (ks):- SI of mpt
Very serious in life and Diligence towards work...Almost idol of every girls and women...Famous for her bhaukaal....Gets annoyed and irritated by Hm but respects her alot...Doesn't go against hm word but is taana queen too...She sometimes get attracted and lost towards hm but is unable to understand her internal feelings....

Pushpee:- Head constable and Mother of ks ... The bond of ps with ks and hm is same as shown in serial...
Prays Shiv ji for ks to have a better life partner who will understand her and make her to enjoy life....

Santosh Sharma:- Constable and cyber crime specialists....Ks and hm both are her  idol and is always confused between them ...Innocent girl and is unaware of her feelings towards Cheetah....

Cheetah chaturvedi(Cc):- Women psychologist and constable of mpt...Loves ss alot .....Same as serial character

Other characters:-
Billu the spy

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