Chapter 10 | Family Reunion

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While you and Russel were hanging out, minding your own business, a crazed band missing a member was scavenging around Russel's home town...

"WHERE IN THE BLOODY HELL IS HE?!" Murdoc yelled. "Stupid.. bloody... this damn thing said he'd be here.." he groaned.
"Euh.. question, Murdoc?" 2D muttered, a bit wary to say anything based on Murdoc's current mood.
"The hell do you want?"
"Uhm.. how exactly are we sure Russ's here?" Murdoc muttered inaudibly, ignoring the question. Noodle, in the back seat, started speaking in Japenese. She sounded upset.
"Shaddup, will ya? Y'know I can't understand a dang thing you say."
"Oi, that's not nice," 2D turned around to face Noodle, "it's alright Noodle, I'm sure we'll run into Russel soon enough."

Murdoc continued driving the other 2 around, breaking countless laws while doing so. Did he get caught? Obviously not. Eventually, however, Murdoc's strange little mechanism began to beep rapidly. The three of them surrounded it, intrigued by what it could mean.
"HE'S HERE! HE'S HERE!" Murdoc exclaimed. He then made a sharp turn into a random driveway and jumped out of the car. 2D and Noodle, confused, hurriedly hopped out of the vehicle as well.

Inside the house, you and Russel could hear a vehicle outside. You heard the doors of the car open and close, meaning someone had exited and was probably now approaching Russ's house.

"You heard that, right?" (Y/n) asked. Russel nodded his head and headed out of his room, (Y/n) following close behind. "Who could it be?" she asked behind him.
"I'm... not sure. I never get visitors." On the way to the door, Russel looked out of one of his windows and into his driveway. "Shit."
"What is it?" (Y/n) asked, worried for Russel who was currently panicking.
"You have to go hide. Now."
"What? Why?"
"Please, I can't let them see you-" The door suddenly burst open.
"Ru-u-usssss~ guess who's ba-a-ack~!" someone announced as they entered the house. (Y/n) recognized the voice in an instant.

Murdoc turned the corner and walked up to Russ with a big smile on his face. He hadn't yet noticed (Y/n) standing a bit farther back. "Russ! My boy, how've you been?"
"Why'd you all of a sudden decide to come back?" Russel was obviously not happy to see him.
"Well.. you see, Russ..." 2D walked in as well, Noodle trailing close behind.
"We just missed you so much!" Murdoc cut off 2D before he could finish speaking. "We need our big drummer boy back! It just wasn't the same... without.... you....." his focus turned to something else.
"OI! WHO THE BLOODY HELL ARE-..." Murdoc paused and looked (Y/n) up and down. "Oi~... who the bloody hell are you~.." he swooned.

Russel looked back and snarled.
"Nobody. This is nobody. Now if you'd kindly leave my-" Murdoc brushed past him and skipped over to (Y/n). She took a few steps back.
"And who do we have here," he inched closer, "Russ finally got himself a lover, eh?" (Y/n)'s face flushed red and she was quick to deny the assumption.
"NO NO NO... We're just friends... that's all..." It pained her to say the words 'just friends'.
"Oh really? So the lovely lady is single, possibly ready to mingle? Y'know, I myself have been ready to mingle for quite some ti-" Russel threw Murdoc out of the way and stood protectively in front of (Y/n). She adored him for that.

"I want all of you to leave my house. Now. You didn't even give me a warning that you were coming back," his voice boomed through the hallway. Murdoc glared at him, 2D hid behind a corner, and Noodle stared blankly at him. Russel paused for a moment before speaking once more, "well... Stu and Noodle... I wouldn't really mind you two staying. But Murdoc, you're gonna get out of my house right now." The pickle's mouth gaped open as he stuttered.
"We-wh-HOW COME THEY GET TO STAY?! WHAT DID I EVER DO?!?!" The 3 looked at him simultaneously with a straight face. He looked around and threw his hands up in defeat. "FINE! You ungrateful hobos can frolic around like idiots while I go do something productive. Should've never come back for Russ..." he mumbled the latter.

Murdoc stormed out of Russel's house and slammed the front door behind him. The car outside revved up and screeched away.
"Ehm.. Russ?" 2D walked up to Russel. "What now?" Russel looked around the room and rubbed the bridge of his nose stressfully.
"I'm not sure Stu.. my house really isn't big enough for all 3 of you..."
"3..?" 2D looked around and jumped at the sight of (Y/n). "Oi, nice to meet you!" He walked up to her and extended his hand. She took it.
"I'm (Y/n). Nice to meet you too, Stuart." she smiled.
"Wait, how do you- oh wait, nevermind, obviously you know who I am." He looked back at Russ, then back to (Y/n). "Well I'm glad Russ found a friend to keep him company. I was worried he was gonna feel lonely."

After the two finished talking, they turned back to Russ. He was giving Noodle a high five and finishing catching up with her. Stuart walked up to Russ and started talking to him. Noodle walked over to (Y/n) and stared up at her. (Y/n) smiled and chuckled nervously. Noodle put her hand in the air and (Y/n) looked at it, confused. She then realized Noodle was trying to give her a high five, so she clapped her hand against Noodle's. Noodle smiled and gave a hug to (Y/n)'s legs. She smiled warmly and patted Noodle's back. Noodle walked back over to Russel and 2D.

(Y/n) let them catch up as she walked into the bathroom and pulled out her phone.
"Hey Mom!
Yeah I know.. it's been a while since we talked, but I have a favor... some friends just came into town and they don't have anywhere to stay...
Oh you do?! Oh that's perfect! Can you make sure one is a little bit worse than the others, though?
No there's no reason, just get it done, please. Alright! Thank you Mom! You're the best, love you, bye." She hung up and sighed. Well at least that's taken care of now...

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