Chapter 1 | Drum Sticks

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"Y/N! GET OVER HERE!" My friend called out. I jogged over to them.
"Grab the other side of the set so we can lift it into your truck." I ran around to the other side and lifted the drum set up. We waddled it over to the back of my truck and loaded it up. I clapped my hands together.
"I'm so glad you're letting me use this, it's HUGE!" I exclaimed. My friend sighed.
"Don't make me regret this. You better not ruin it," my friend warned with an "or else" kind of tone. I stuck out my pinky.
"I promise to keep this in pristine condition," I announced in a fancy tone. My friend took my pinky finger with their own and shook on it. I beamed and looked back to the drum set.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot," I frowned.
"Me too..." My friend leaned into me and gave me a hug. I squeezed them tight until I heard a crack in their back. I giggled and stepped away as they rubbed their back.
"Jeez, you gotta go get a job as a chiropractor or something..." they only half joked. I scoffed, "Come on, you're gonna be late for your flight. You need to hit the road before you're stuck with me the whole summer."
"Guess you're right, that sounds like hell," they winked and turned back to their car. They paused and turned back around. "One more hug."


I watched my friend drive away off to the airport. I waved until they were no longer in sight before heading back to my truck. I got in the driver's seat and looked back at "my" new drum set.
"Looks like you'll be spending your summer vacation with me." I plugged in my aux cord into my phone and opened Spotify. My mood brightened up when Gorillaz came on. I sang along as I put my car in drive and started towards my house.

"The essence, the basics, without it, you make it. Allow me to make this, childlike in nature-" Suddenly my phone dinged a notification. I waited until I got to a stop sign to check it. Nobody was on the road so I checked my phone. Oh! My friend had texted me.

F/n: I kind of totally forgot about the drum sticks...

You: Nah, you're fine. I can pick some up at the music shop

F/n: You sure?

You: Jeez bruh I'm not THAT broke

F/n: Lolz ok

I set my phone down and continued driving. I changed my route over to the music shop by my house. The neighborhood I lived in basically revolved around music. There were always people playing instruments around town. Sometimes it was nice, but to be honest, it kind of got annoying having to listen to random people play music right outside your house when you have your own music to listen to.

My parents tried to buy me a studio house with soundproof walls, but I refused. My parents were really rich and always tried to buy my things, but I never accepted many of their gifts. I'm the type of person that would much rather work for my belongings. There are a few things I do to make money. I love volunteering to rehabilitate animals, lizards in particular. I tend to love all the animals everyone is scared of. Snakes, spiders, bearded dragons, ect. My main job though was to draw designs for people. Businesses, artists, things like that. Drawing had always been a hobby of mine, but music has been on my bucket list for quite some time now- drums being my main focus. The only instrument I've ever learned to play was the clarinet in middle school. Now that I had a drum set, all I needed to start playing were drum sticks.

I finally arrived at the little shop. It was decorated with all kinds of music notes plastered along the windows, through which you could view displays of guitars and records. I had been inside this shop only a few times to buy things for my friend, and sometimes some records for my record player. I pushed open the door and heard the little bell chime. The worker behind the counter gave me a faint smile and wave. I wandered over to the drum section of the store. If my calculations are correct... the drum sticks should be somewhere around here. I pointed my finger around trying to spot the drum sticks. No... not it... that's not it either... I squinted around as if making it easier to see the drum sticks.

"Aha!" I said aloud. I sped over to the drumsticks, which had been "hiding" along the back wall. I traced my finger around them, examining them to see which pair I should buy. Then I realized that I have no idea what I'm looking at. There were a bunch of different kinds of drumsticks. Ehhh... what is this. I scrunched my face into confusion and disappointment of my lack of knowledge. I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard someone shuffle over to me. My face started burning up because of how embarrassed I was not knowing which drumsticks I needed. I can't just leave without grabbing anything since I just stared at these for ages... this person is gonna think I'm a freak! I shifted my balance from one foot to another. I was really nervous. What if this person makes fun of me! I haven't even seen what they look like... what if their from some crazy gang that beats people up if they're stupid! Ugh! I'm so dead... The person next to me must've been able to see that I was having trouble because they started talking to me.

"Are you having trouble picking one out?" they asked. The voice was so surprisingly VERY deep and soft. My eyes widened at the sound of his voice. Now that's a hot voice if I've ever heard one... I stuttered a response, "I- uh... yeah I kind if have no idea what I'm looking at." The man chuckled a deep and hearty chuckle.
"You a beginner?" he asked. I paused
"Assumed so." I scoffed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I argued in a fake serious tone. I planted my hands on my hips and looked up at him with a face that said: Sass. That's when I realized who was standing next to me.

I clapped my hands over my mouth and took a step back. He looked at me in confusion. "I- you're- ... WHAT?!" I started freaking out.
"Uhhh..." he worried he did something wrong.
"YOU'RE RUSSEL HOBBS! FROM GORILLAZ!" I shouted out. His face looked a bit relieved that that was what I was so shocked about. A few people stared at us before continuing their shopping.

"Sorry... I-it's just... I can't believe this is you." I panicked. He laughed a bit to himself.
"Yeah, I probably shoulda known that's why you had that reaction," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I started fangirling, I just couldn't help it.
"I mean, you're, like, my favorite person in the whole world- I'm not even joking. You're my favorite member of Gorillaz so... yeah sorry if I'm being a little dramatic but I just- I don't know..." I started getting really awkward. I mean, how am I supposed to know how to talk to a celebrity?

I looked back up to his face and he looked... surprised? I looked at him a bit confused.
"Oh, sorry, this is just new for me... I don't really get that many fans, is all. Usually everyone is all head over heels for Murdoc or Stuart or Noodle... I don't get too much attention..." My jaw was practically dragging on the ground.
"WHAT! Russel you're the best in the band, you should be getting a BUNCH of fans!" I exclaimed a bit too loudly. I was sad to know that what he said was true, though. Russel never got nearly as much love as Murdoc or 2-D, or Noodle either.

He seemed happy when I told him that, though. Suddenly, one of the employees came over.
"We're getting a few complaints about a loud distraction over here... If you two could please exit the store it would be greatly appreciated." they warned us.
"Oh... uh, sorry, that would be my fault," I began," so, you don't need to kick him out, I'll just leave. I'm sorry for the disturbance..." I frowned and started towards the doors.

"Eh-Hey! Wait!" Russel whisper-yelled after me. I turned around. "Hold on," he whispered," I can come with you." I beamed.
"Really?!" I whispered to the best of my ability. He nodded.
"Yeah, but come on, we're for real gonna get kicked out..." He urged me out the door.



Oh my... that's the longest chapter I've ever written... Sorry if it's too long, but I plan on the other chapters being a little shorter than this. Anyways I hope this was a good start! Chapter 2 awaits you!~

ᕼEᗩᖇTᗷEᗩT • Russel x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя