Chapter 7 | Sleepy

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(Your POV)

I set down the drumsticks and looked towards the stairs that Russel just ran up. I wonder what all that was about... I hope he's okay. I sighed. I should probably leave him alone. Standing up from the bench in front of Russel's drums, I decided to take a closer look around the basement. I could tell he really enjoyed being down here. Along one if the walls I found a couple of picture frames on a shelf.

I took a closer look and they were all pictures of Russel with the band. I smiled and picked one up, hoping he wouldn't mind. They all look like they're having fun... even Murdoc. I chuckled and set the picture back down, picking another one up. This one was a picture of Russel, Del, and 2D. 2D is so sweet... I hope I get to meet him. I set the picture down and looked over all the other pictures before looking around some more.

There was a big box in the corner of the room with a bunch of tapes, most likely all Gorillaz songs. I looked at a few of them. Damn! He's got all the songs! I looked through some more and found a lot of their lesser popular songs. I liked a lot of Gorillaz older songs, since there was just something about 2D's voice that sounded so... I don't know how to explain it, but his voice just sounded so cool in the older songs.

I took one last glance around before heading back over to the drum set. I played one of the beats that Russel had showed me, but it felt empty without Russ here with me. I sighed and got off the bench. I'll take a better look around upstairs. I headed up the stairs, which led back into the kitchen. I had expected Russel's house to have a bunch of super expensive stuff in it, but it was surprisingly just a normal looking house with everyday things inside. I was glad to see that his house was like everyone else's, in a way. It was calming to know that celebrities, too, live their own lives like a lot of the rest of us.

Out of the kitchen led to the hallway. On the right of the kitchen was the front door, while to the left were all the other rooms. I turned left and skipped past Russel's room, since I had already been in there. Past his room was the bathroom. I took a quick peek inside since it was only the bathroom. I walked all the way to the end of the hallway, which ended into the living room, as well as the dining room. The dining room was located at the left side of the big room, while all the right side was the living area. There was a decently sized TV, a big, cozy couch, and then some decorations to fill in the extra space.

The dining room was just a table with a couple chairs, also holding a few decorations along the walls and table. I hope he doesn't get too lonely here... I frowned and went over to the couch to try it out. As soon as I sat down I just melted into the fabric. This was the comfiest, coziest, softest couch ever. I laid down and sank into the couch. I might just take a little nap until Russel gets back... I hope he won't mind.


I heard shuffling in front of me and peeled open an eyelid.
"Hhuuuughhh..." I groaned and stretched.
"Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?" Russel's deep voice concerned. I shook my head no and sat up, yawning.
"Did you get food?"
"Yup! I set some snack stuff here on the table, but everything else is in the fridge if you want something a little colder. I yawned again and looked at the food Russel got. Crackers, chips, candy. I picked up a bag of potato chips and sleepily ate them. Russel took a seat next to me, grabbing a little bag of sour patch kids. I giggled.
"Sorry, it's just funny seeing you eat a bunch of sugary candy." Russel shrugged and popped a few of the gummies in his mouth.

"H-Hey Russ..."
"Hm?" I thought for a second if I should go through with my question. I took a deep breath.
"Do... do you ever get lonely without the band?" I asked. Russel thought for a moment.
"In all honesty..." he started, "it does feel a little empty without everyone." I nodded and frowned. "But," he began again, "I think I'll be fine now that I have you I can hang out with." He looked over to me and smiled warmly. My face burned a light red.
"Thanks... but..." I sighed. "I'm sure hanging out with the band is a lot more fun than sitting around with me..."

Russel rested a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a bit.
"I bet hanging out with you could be so much more fun than hanging out with any other person in the whole world." I blushed deeply. I decided to just take the compliment, since arguing it wouldn't get me very far. I nodded and smiled up to him.
"You're the best." Russel's face dusted a light red and he laughed a bit.

I finished my last chip and crumpled my bag. "I can take your wrapper." I extended my hand out to Russ.
"Oh, thank you." He set his empty wrapper in my hand. I threw them away and sat back on the couch. "Are there any shows you like?" Russel suddenly asked. I raised an eyebrow and thought.
"Have you ever heard of Sam and Max?" Russel thought for a second.
"I don't think so." He handed me the remote to the TV so I turned it on and went to Tubi.
"This is one of my favorite shows. I love watching cartoons, especially the older ones."

I searched for Sam and Max and clicked on it.
"This looks cool! I love cartoons too." We started the first episode and Russel seemed to already be really enjoying it. "I can't believe I haven't heard of this before." I shrugged.
"Eh, it's not the most popular thing."

We made it through about 3 episodes when I started to get tired. Russel could tell because of my nonstop yawning.
"You know, you could stay the night here if you wanted to. I'm not gonna make you drive home this late at night."
"Yeah! I could get a spot set up for you wherever you want to sleep." He paused, "The most comfortable places to sleep would be either the couch or my bed- I-if you wanted to sleep on my bed I could sleep out here..." I  raised an eyebrow at him. He blushed and looked away. "I-I mean it depends on what you like to sleep on- I mean- like if you like sleeping on really soft and squishy mattresses, then you should sleep on the couch. If you like it a little less squishy, then you should... s-sleep on my bed..."

I thought for a moment. Well... I do prefer a little bit firmer beds... but I want him to be able to sleep comfortably...
"Which would you sleep on if you were me?"
"B-Well... like I said, it depends on what you find more comfortable..."
I giggled.
"I guess I'll be taking the bed then."
Russel looked almost... glad... that I chose that. He nodded, his face red as a tomato. He's so adorable...

Russ got me set up in the bed.
"Do you need anything else?" he asked. I thought for a moment.
"I... I know this is childish but... do you have any..." I paused. "Nevermind I'm good..."
"Wha-No, what do you need (Y/n)? You can tell me." I sighed and took a deep breath.
"I can't uh... I can't really sleep that well without a stuffed animal..." I blushed and looked down, embarrassed. Russel covered his laugh. I threw a pillow at him. "SHUT UP!" I yelled, jokingly.
"S-Sorry-" he calmed his laughter down. "I'll go check to see if I have anything." He walked out of the room to go look.

A few minutes later, he came back and stood in the doorway. "I've got some good newsss," he cooed. I perked up, excited. He walked away from the doorway for a second but then came into the room with 4 giant plushies. I gasped and sparkles filled my eyes. They were giant plushies of each of the band members.
"AWWWW!! THEY'RE SO CUUUTE!" I jumped out of the bed. Russ laughed.
"Pick whichever one you want." I ran up and grabbed the Russel plushie.
"This one." I ran back to the bed and hopped onto it.

I looked up at Russel, he was smiling and blushing. "Thank you thank you thank you." I hugged the Russel plush tightly.
"I-... Y-Yeah! Of course!"  He rubbed the back of his neck. "A-Anything else?" I shook my head.
"I'll be sleeping like a baby tonight," I assured him. He nodded.
"Goodnight, (Y/n)! I'll see you in the morning." He waved me goodnight.
"Night, Russ!" Russel turned the lights off and closed the door, but not all the way. I closed my eyes and cuddled with the plush tightly, soon falling fast asleep.

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