Chapter 2 | Donut Shop

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Russel and I rushed out of the shop and looked around. I looked up at him, "Sorry about that... I just got really super excited because... well, like I said, you're like, my favorite person in the whole world. I never thought I'd meet a celebrity, so to meet my most favorite celebrity? Yeah, I don't know who wouldn't freak out..." Russel chuckled and looked down to me. God he's so tall...
"Well, if I'm being completely honest, you gave me some adrenaline yourself. I've never seen a fan as enthusiastic as you, plus the fact that it's me that you're a fan of."

I grinned and tried not to jump up and down. I calmed myself down and spoke up again, deciding to have a normal conversation.
"Soo... did you wanna go somewhere? Do something cool and fun?" Russel looked around for an idea. Then he paused on a certain building. He looked down and smiled, "You hungry?" Right in that moment, my stomach groaned.
"Eheh... maybe just a little." Russel laughed and motioned me over to the direction of a little donut shop.
"Come on, this is the best one around." I quickly followed after him.

We made it across the road and paused in front of the doors to the shop. "Don't get us kicked outta this one, too," he joked. I rolled my eyes and pushed open the doors. A giant wave of the delicious smell of freshly fried donuts threw itself into my face. I melted into the sweet scent and turned around to Russel.
"How have I never been here." He smiled, "I could bring you around again if you ever need some company. I love donuts so I come here pretty often." I tried to hide my excitement.
"So you live in the area?" I asked, "Wait- nevermind you don't have to-"
"No, no it's fine. Actually, I don't live in this neighborhood, this shop is just that good." I grinned and made my way to the counter after the people in front of us finished getting their donuts.

I looked up at Russel and he motioned me to order first.
"I'll have..." I looked at all the choices they had. Yes! They have my favorite! "I'll have 2 of your (f/d) please!" I looked to Russ and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and looked back to the counter.
"And for you?" the worker asked Russel. I stepped out of the way a bit so he could walk forward and order.
"I'll take 2 strawberry jelly filled donuts, please." I gasped and he looked down at me. "What?" he asked, concerned.
"I love those!" I whisper-exclaimed. He sighed of relief.
"You scared me, I thought I did something wrong." I rolled my eyes jokingly.
"You'd have to try reaaally hard to make me upset." I assured. He smiled, relieved.

"Here are your donuts, have a nice day." I grinned from ear to ear, these looked so good. I grabbed my donuts and so did Russel.
"Thanks, you too," we both said in unison. We exchanged a look and laughed. We found a spot to sit down and sat across from each other. I was a little bummed, cause I wanted to sit next to him, but that was probably taking it a bit far... I looked at my donuts and stared at them for a second, taking in how well they were made. Russel laughed, "Told you they were good." I picked one up and took a bite. I looked up to him with a look of pure bliss, this donut is the best thing I've ever tasted. Russel laughed even more. "You're pretty funny," he smiled and started eating one of his own donuts. I blushed and looked down quickly.

No way no way no way. There is no way. My face was getting really red and I had no idea why or how to stop it. I took a huge bite out of my donut. Stop! Why is this happening... all he did was give me a compliment. That was a compliment, right? I mean, if it wasn't, I doubt this would be happening right now. I shoved the rest of the donut in my mouth and barely chewed it before swallowing.

Of course, next thing I knew I was choking and couldn't breathe. I got up out of the booth and tried to steady myself as Russel rushed over to me.
"A-Are you okay?!" He rested a hand on my back and tried to calm me down, and of course, that only made me choke more. He panicked and ran to get me some water. He came back and I had mostly gotten the donut out, thank god. He handed me the water and I drank it slowly, just to make sure I wouldn't choke on that, either.

I took a deep breath and plopped back down into the booth.
"Sorry... thank you for helping." He looked at me, worried.
"Are you okay now? What happened?"
I caught my breath and swallowed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just took too big of a bite and didn't chew it all the way..." I felt really dumb. "Sorry... I kind of turned this into a disaster..." I sighed.
"What! No you didn't!" He argued. "It's fine, really, I'm just glad you're okay..." I smiled up at him.
"You're too nice, this is why you're my favorite." I could see his face dust over with a light shade of red.
"D-Do you still wanna finish your other donut? You don't have to if-"
"I can finish it, don't worry. I promise I'll take smaller bites this time," I winked. He nodded.

I picked up my other donut and took a bite. I glanced up at Russel and he was staring at me. I'm sure it was to make sure I wouldn't choke again, but still. I stifled a laugh, "I told you, I'm not gonna choke again. Worry about your own donut." His face got even redder and he picked up his donut.
"Sorry..." he murmered.


We both finished our donuts and cleaned up our spot. We thanked the person behind the counter before leaving. We stepped out of the shop and looked at each other.
"Sorry again for... choking. I'm not that clumsy I promise!" Russel smiled. "Oh no, I bet you're even worse than that," he teased. I gave him a fake frown and rolled my eyes.
"I think you probably deserve a break for today, so how about this," he started, "I can give you my number and tomorrow you can text me. We can choose a place to meet up so I can give you a pair of my drumsticks, I always have extras." My jaw was practically hanging by a thread. There is no way that the Russel Hobbs just asked me to meet up with him and gave me his number. I must be dreaming.

I dumbly fumbled my phone out of my pocket.
"Y-Yeah! Of course!" I gave him my phone so he could put his number in it. He handed it back to me when he was finished and I was a blushing mess. I can't believe this is happening... "I-I'll text you when I get home so you have my number too..."
"Sounds perfect!" He smiled. "I, uh.. I don't think I'm supposed to be this interactive with a fan but... you just seem... special." He blushed but my face was at it's peek redness.
"I-uh.. T-Thank you!" I stuttered.

"Oh! I just realized, I don't even know your name yet!" he face palmed. I laughed, "Yeah, I can tell you aren't used to this." He copied my eye roll from earlier, but it was funny because he didn't really have eyes.
"I'm (Y/n)." I beamed up to him.
"(Y/n). I like that name." he grinned.

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