Chapter 3 | Future Plans

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After everything that had just happened, I decided to go back to my house. It was getting late anyways. All I could think about the entire way home was Russel. He had acted so kind to me after everything, I mean, I got him kicked out of a store, I started choking at his favorite donut shop, and I was just being really dumb the whole time. I felt really stupid and thought that he was probably just giving me pity. I took a deep sigh as I entered my driveway and closed out of Spotify.

I unlocked my door and went inside, setting my keys by the door. I wasn't hungry so I treaded over to my room and flopped hard onto my bed. I groaned and sat up. Sigh... "Today's a feeding night, isn't it Midas?" I walked over to my snake's tank to make sure he was doing okay. He was resting his head on the rock next to his little cave. I smiled and walked out of my room and out towards the kitchen to grab a rat for him. I grabbed one out of the freezer and got the hot water ready so I could unthaw it. It would take about 20 minutes so I set a timer and walked back into my room.

I should probably text Russel... I opened my contacts and pressed on Russel's name to message him. I thought a moment on what to type.


[You] : Hey it's (Y/n)!


I set my phone down and fell into my bed. I hope he isn't one of those people that take ages to respond. Suddenly, my phone vibrated and I immediately shot up and unlocked my phone.


[Russ] : Hey! How's it going?

[You] : Good, I'm getting ready to feed my snake, hby?

[Russ] : You have a snake?!?
Also I'm doing good

[You] : That's good, and yeah his name is Midas, you should come see him sometime!

Nice going, (Y/n)... like he'd ever want to go to YOUR house...

[Russ] : I'd love to see your place! Your snake might scare me but I mean they're really cool idk they just freak me out a little

Okay maybe I'm thinking a little too negatively...

[You] : Yeah most people are pretty scared of snakes, but dw my snake is super nice and never bites

[Russ] : That's good 😅
I'm gonna brb, my dinner is ready. Ttyl! I can't wait to give you the drumsticks tomorrow you're gonna love em

[You] : Alrighty, yeah I'm super super excited for tomorrow you don't even know bro


I turned my phone off and sighed. Yes! I pumped my fists in the air and started punching at nothing. How on Earth did I get this lucky?! I jumped out of my bed and headed back into my kitchen. I looked at the timer and I was at 1 more minute. I decided to grab a little snack while I waited.

The timer went off just as I finished up my granola bar so I turned it off and went over to the sink. I pulled the rat out and took it out of the ziploc bag. I grabbed the big tweezer thingies and grabbed the rat by it's neck skin to carry it into my room. I took off the top of Midas's tank and lowered the rat in. He stared at it for a minute before launching at it at the speed of light. I jumped like I do every time since it scares the crap out of me and put the top back onto the tank.

"I love you little baby," I cooed to Midas before hopping back onto my bed. I hooked up my speaker to my phone and started playing music since I was in a good mood. I must be Spotify's favorite person because it started playing Gorillaz. While I was singing along to Rock the House, I realized something. Wait... what if... I'll get to meet Del too... I froze.

Then I jumped out of bed and started doing more excited dances, since Del the Rapper (or Del the Funky Homosapian, if you prefer) was naturally my second favorite right after Russel. I loved how cool Del looked and how good his voice sounded. He was funny and nice, just like Russel. I probably won't mention anything about Del, though. If I get to meet him, then I get to meet him. Buuuuut... the only way that would ever happen is if I got to see Russel play the drums, and even then Del doesn't always feel like coming out.

Still, I had completely forgotten all about Del since I was so focused on making sure I had a good time with Russel. I heard my phone vibrate on my bed so I went to check it. It was Russel. I quickly unlocked my phone and impatiently checked the message.


[Russ] : I just finished eating and I would love to text you some more tonight but I don't do so well if I don't get very much sleep so I usually go to bed early. Plus I gotta make sure I'm all ready for tomorrow!

[You] : That's aight I like goin to bed early too
I hope you sleep good! Goodnight I'll cya tomorrow!!

[Russ] : Night! ✌🏾


I closed out of Spotify and unconnected my speaker before getting ready for bed. I'll sleep early too. I turned my lights off and walked to Midas.
"Goodnight Midas! Sleep good my little baby." I put a hand on his tank before turning on my fan and getting in bed. I plugged in my phone and got comfortable before closing my eyes. I quickly drifted to sleep.


That's 2 chapters in one day! Sorry this one is a little shorter, I just wanted to get a good transition into the next day so I wasn't cramming everything into one huge chapter.

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