"You fucking -

I cut off his words as I pulled out the knife that I always kept sheathed under my clothes, holding it against his pulse point.

"Disrespect another woman like that again, and I'll make sure you regret it. Remember Nikita, I'm in the Bratva as well. And nothing can save you from me if I decide to unleash my wrath on you." I stroked his chin almost lovingly as my blade pressed deeper, a trickle of blood oozing out. "Are we clear?"

The bastard frantically nodded his head before I released him so that he fell to the floor while clutching his micro dick. Trust me, I'd know.

I was sick and tired of everyone belittling me, coddling me even. Saying how I wasn't good enough to be in the Bratva when it was clearly male dominated and the only reason why I was allowed into it was because of my connection to Mikhail. Lies, obviously. I had more than proved my worth to Mikhail and had managed to handle and accomplish several jobs that had been assigned to me. Even my own cousin had begrudgingly accepted that I was an asset to the gang. Alexei was another one of those people that coddled me, using the excuse that he was only protecting me. I called bullshit. Him and I had gone at it many times over the past year, with neither one of us refusing to back down because we were both stubborn like that.

Nikita managed to get up with one hand before shooting me a scathing look.

"I can't believe I fucked you all those years ago."

Coincidentally, Nikita had been my partner on one of the assignments that I had done in New York. He had seemed like a real catch then - though that was probably because he was trying to get in my pants and had turned up the charm. It had worked back then. We'd fucked multiple times until I'd realised that he was a shitty lay. One that was so conceited and self absorbed that couldn't see past himself. Naive old me had thought that this was what sex was supposed to feel like - an itch that was barely scratched - until I met other men and became wiser.

"The feelings are mutual, Nikita. I can't believe I even let your STD riddled dick near me."

Nikita grew red in the face before he decided that I wasn't worth the effort - or maybe he was really scared of me this time. Either way, he took off and left the house, still clutching his dick and wincing in pain. I smirked as I turned around, in a much better mood now and ready to resume eating my interrupted breakfast. But Alexei's looming figure had me pausing for a second before I continued on over to my seat, pretending that nothing had happened.

"What was that about, milaya?"

"Nothing. Just putting another man in his place as usual." I said nonchalantly as I took a bite of my breakfast. "And before you reprimand me for hurting one of your men, let me remind you that you threatened to do the same not too long ago."

"I wasn't going to say anything about that." He said, almost amusedly as he took a seat beside me - well, at least as amusedly as the great Alexei Zakharov could get.

I froze for a second, stumped at the fact that Alexei wasn't going to boss me around this time. Well, no need for me to get defensive again.

"Are we going to talk about yesterday?" Alexei took the silence as his cue to speak as his eyes bored into the side of my face.

"I -

"Pakhan, we've arranged everything. It's time to go."

I nearly breathed a sigh of relief at the interruption, convinced that Alexei was going to bring up the topic of last night's kiss. Believe it or not, a small part of me was still scared that he would wake up one day and go back to his hot and cold behavior. That he would reject me again, despite his promise of giving us a chance and taking things slow. Was it stupid to be so hung up on a man who was emotionally unavailable? Probably. But was my traitorous heart going to listen? Nope. Definitely no.

Alexei shot me a look that said that this was far from over before he motioned for me to follow him outside. A sleek SUV was waiting for us near the door, several men standing guard around it.

"I presume all the important faces will be there?" Alexei addressed the man who was holding the door open as he nodded in response.

If my guess was not wrong, I'd say that we were heading to Sergei's funeral based on the somber mood.

Alexei took shotgun as I took the backseat. A man with a jagged scar running down the side of his face glared at me as I closed the door shut.

"Got a problem, big guy?" I questioned in fluent Russian as he made a sound at the back of his throat.

"Sofia." Alexei's sharp voice cut through the air, his face blank and his eyes cold as I read the unsaid message he was trying to convey to me. Shut the fuck up. I shut my mouth, for now, ignoring the others in the car with me as we headed to the location where Sergei was to be buried. Though something in my gut told me that it wasn't going to go as smoothly as it had been planned.


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