"Make it 3 minutes," Rose pulled Jisoo's hand and sped off.

Jennie and I just laughed. Rose has an obsession with food.

"How did you know of this place Jisoo?" I asked as we finished ordering.

Jisoo swallows her drink before responding, "My parents used to bring the family here during school breaks. We had a lot of fond memories here as a family. When we've all grown up, and life becomes too busy, we come here maybe once every 2 years? Sometimes I'd come here on my own for a few days just to be alone."

"So this is your hiding place when you say you need some time to yourself...." Jennie says with realisation.

"Yup! I thought I'd share it with you guys. I don't know. There's something about this place, the calm, the peace, the healing, it always made me feel that everything is going to be okay when I leave here. Hahaha! I know it sounds silly, but it's special to me." Jisoo shared.

"It doesn't sound silly babe. It sounds wonderful." Rose reached out to stroke Jisoo's hair in response.

I sat there in my thoughts. I do hope this place would bring me the healing that I need.

10 minutes later our food came.

"Jisoo? Think you ordered too much?" Jennie said in shock. I don't blame her. Our table was overflowing.

I looked at the food laid before us, "Did you order the entire menu?"

"Nope! Just three quarter of it. The other quarter of the menu were drinks." Jisoo elaborated.

"So basically 100% of the food menu." Jisoo grinned mischievously.

"Let's eat!" Rose announced.

We watched the sunset as we ate. It was beautiful.

"Stop! Please! No!!" I jolted awake from my nightmare. I was coated with a layer of perspiration.

I look to my side and Jennie is still asleep. Silently, I slipped out of bed and grabbed my sweater and headed out to the small jacuzzi we had and dipped my legs in. The feeling of the water pressure and temperature began to calm me.

"Jungkook, you're dead. You have no power over me." I began to sob.

"I'm not going to let what you did to me ruin my life and my relationship with Jennie. You're not worth it," I continued to speak out between sobs.

I don't know how long I had been crying but my eyes felt heavy.

I looked up to the sky, the stars decorated the night sky beautifully.

"I forgive you," I uttered. "I forgive you Jungkook."

I felt arms around me and instantly knew it was Jennie. She has taken the spot beside me and pulled me close to her. She didn't say anything. She just let me cry.

I woke up and didn't feel Jennie beside me and I heard voices coming from the entrance and then the door closed. Jennie entered the room with a smile.

"I ordered room service for brunch. You were sleeping soundly so I told the other 2 to go for breakfast without us." Jennie said as she walked towards my side of the bed and sat on the edge.

"I'm sorry I woke up so late. Gosh! You should have woken me up babe," I said as I rubbed my eyes.

I sat up and looked at Jennie. I felt different this morning. It felt like all those weeks of pain from what happened has been released. My heart felt lighter.

"Lisa..." Jennie whispered as her eyes were filling with tears. "I haven't seen this smile for so long." She reached out and brushed her thumb across my lips.

"I think last night, I've let go of everything that has happened. I feel myself again. I don't know how to explain it. I can't change what has happened, but I sure won't let it affect my future. With you."

Jennie crushed our lips together. Our lips were moulding together. I could feel the love Jennie has for me in the kiss. And I poured all my love for her in it.

When we broke the kiss I leaned my forehead against hers, "Thank you for staying by me Jennie."

"I'll always be with you baby." Jennie kisses the tip on my nose and it tickled. "Come on beautiful, brunch is here!"

"Lisa! You're going into the water with me right??" Rose pouted.

Jisoo and Jennie aren't fans of going into open waters. So Rose asked me to join her.

"You know it buddy!" I replied as the 4 of us put our bags down. We had applied our sunscreen back at the suite so that we could jump right in.

Rose and I started to remove our tops when she leaned in to me and whispered, "Lis, our girlfriends are staring shamelessly. Shall we tease them?"

I saw Jennie's mouth hanging open, "Let's!" Rose and I exchanged a mischievous grin.

I turned to face Jennie as I unbuttoned my shorts. Rose was doing the same to Jisoo. Both their eyes were fixed and they were not even blinking. My shorts reached the bottom of my legs and I picked it up slowly, allowing Jennie a view of my barely existent cleavage. I saw Jennie lick her lips and I turned away from her.

"Rose? Ready?" I asked.

"Let's go girl!" Rose winked.

I leaned down and pecked Jennie's lips, "Maybe later we can continue the show in our private jacuzzi?"

Jennie nodded eagerly. And I giggled at her response.

As we walked towards the water, we heard Jisoo's voice, "Jen, I'm not in the water but I'm getting soaked."

"Okay, too much information. But I'm wet too."

Rose and I bursted out in laughter, exchanging high fives.

JENLISA | My Typa GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz