24. Exciting Day in Purgatory

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They were walking through the forest and time seemed to move differently for them in purgatory, there was no day and night, it was just more of the same. They could walk for hours and hours, days of darkness or days of an eerie haze over the land. It was a strange sort of feeling.

''Yep. And I think we both know which of our kinds kills more humans.'' Benny remarked. Katie felt herself slowing down. When she wasn't in that heightened feeling, a monster on their heels, the quiet around them, her adrenaline dropped and how tired she was really kicked in. Benjen noticed and wrapped his arm tighter around her waist keeping her up. He pressed a kiss to her temple and she looked up at him with tired eyes.

''Well, statistically speaking, that'd be your – '' Castiel began.

''Yes, thank you, Cas.'' Dean muttered

''I get it. You're worried what I might do if we make it topside." Benny mused. ''I'll start eating your little piggies. I already told you, man – by the time I got iced, I was strictly on animal blood... and the elderly." Katie stared back at him. "I would love to sink my teeth in your though gorgeous, but I assure you we would both have a pleasurable experience."

"Not happening." Benjen answered for Katie and she chuckled her hand fisting his shirt as they walked.

''So, what is that? Like the vampire Zone diet?'' Dean remarked.

''Look, all I'm saying is I started seeing something in humanity, okay? Something that shouldn't be taken. I drink blood. I don't drink people." Benny told them.

"Elderly excluded from that." Benjen added and Benny shrugged.

''And why the hell should I believe you?'' Dean countered

''What does it matter what you believe? You got your head so far up your ass, Dean, you don't even realize we're already done for." Benny told them.

"Love the optimism." Katie agreed sarcastically.

"There was no opt-" Castiel began.

"I'm joking Cas." Katie coed back to him.

"Right." Castiel agreed.

''The angel knows it. We are never gonna make it with him next to us glowing like a beacon." Benny added.

"Castiel stays." Katie spat.

''Do I need to remind you of our deal? Of what you committed to?'' Dean added

''He is gonna get us killed." Benny told them. "You." He pointed a finger at dean. "Your pretty little sister," another finger in Katie's direction. "and her boy toy."

"Hey!" Benjen spat.

''We may get to test that theory.'' Castiel remarked sensing the creatures getting closer to them.

''More monsters?'' Benjen asked looking around.

''Leviathan.'' Castiel corrected.

"Get out of here Cas." Katie suggested.

"Yeah, Why don't you blip out of here?" Dean agreed

''They're too close." Castiel remarked turning around ''I can't.'' He looked to Katie. ''Run.''

And just like that her adrenaline was back, heart pounding in her chest as they took off.

They ran through the forest, heads spinning back to check for leviathan when something hit the ground near Benjen in a cloud of thick black smoke.

"Katie..." Benjen said as they all stopped. They stared as the smoke cleared and a mass of black goo transforms into a leviathan.

"Fuck..." Katie muttered.

''Oh, great.'' Dean agreed.

"Cas, GO!" Katie demanded. "We got this." The leviathan moved towards Benjen and he gripped his dragonglass blade tight in his hand.

Castiel headed in the opposite direction, but another missile of black smoke hit the ground in front of him and became another leviathan. Benjen swung at the first leviathan with his blade. As the second leviathan threw Castiel to the ground. Katie moved forward and hacked at the first Levithan as Dean and Benny moved to Castiel. Katie didn't stop until he down dead, dead before them.

"Thanks." Benjen whispered as she looked over her shoulder. The second Leviathan opened his mouth, so large as though he was going to consume Castiel. Katie's mouth moved wordlessly as he feet moved towards them but Benny cuts off the leviathans head. Castiel stared up at Benny waiting for Benny to kill him to but instead Benny offered Castiel a hand to pull him up.

"Another very exciting day in purgatory!" Dean exclaimed. 

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