19. Goddess

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"Was Davina as awesome as they say?" Katie asked.

"Even better. I assure you. Hell she might be running around here somewhere." Benny mused.

"You turned her?" Katie declared and again Benjen and Dean hushed her. "I can't help it. He is ruining my favorite Targaryen."

"You have a favorite Targaryen?" Benjen mused.

"I also have a favorite Stark." Katie informed him kissing his cheek. "And I best be everyones favorite winchester."

"Trust me. You are." Benjen agreed.

"Davina went through a purification by fire." Benny told her.



"You ever tested it?" Davina questioned as they walked around flee bottom.

"Tested what?" Rhaenyra asked

"Fire." Davina told her and Criston and Benny shared a hesitant look.

"You mean?" Rhaenyra said cautiously.

"It's the best way to cleanse yourself." Davina mused nodding to the pyre before them. It blazed brightly before them, huge, towering.

"Have you-'

'Yes." Davina told her. "I think it will be vital for my survival, for my revival." Davina remarked. ''I'll walk through the fire, I'll begin again, I'll burn through my skin because I wanna feel it all."

"There is a light inside of you Davina, it is bursting, shining.' Benny told her. "Its dangerous and so sexy." Davina smirked back at him.

"Davina I don't know-' Rhaenyra began.

"Whats the worst thing that happens?" Davina offered as she got closer.

"You die." Criston offered quietly.

"I'm a dragon, Fury's breath is hotter than these flames." Davina assured. They watched as she let her dress drop to the ground and stepped inside. Rhaenyra moved forward picking it up. She waited her hands reached out for the flames but she wasn't like Davina, she wasn't fearless.

But Davina wasn't fearless. She was filled with fear and loss and pain, rage. But being inside the fire she felt the most peace she had ever felt before.

"AUNT DAVINA!" Rhaenyra called as Criston and Benny stepped forward but the flames were too hot for them even to stand near. "Davina!"

Benny knew the flames would burn him up, burned up most without a second thought. Fire was a good way to get dead and stay dead. But Davina walked in fearlessly.

It felt like an eternity.


"I don't know what Davina saw in there." Benny told them. "But she came out, naked and glowing, a goddess." Benny told them.


"I bet you think she's perfect. But she's not me. I hope she breaks your heart, like you broke mine... because you let the best thing that ever happened to you walk away." Davina said blinking herself out of the vision she had seen in the fires. Davina sucked in a deep breath of smoke and she coughed out. Her drunk mind clearing, as the wine seemed to burn out of her system the vision faded. She heard her name, it wasn't Daemon calling her it was Rhaenyra, Benny and Criston.

"Maybe I go in." Rhaenyra suggested.

"No." Criston and Benny said immediately.

"I'm a dragon, I should be fine."

"Then we will have let two princesses die on our watch." Benny remarked. "Not happening." But he was always dead but he didn't think he could come back from getting his head chopped off.

"DAVI-" Davina stepped out and Benny pulled his cloak off wrapping his around her. "You scared me!" Rhaenyra shouted. "Didn't you hear me?" Davina shook her head, Rhaenyra handed off her dress, Davina took it in her hands staring down as the silky fabric.

"Lets get you both home. That's enough fun for one night." Criston suggested.

"How was your revival?" Benny questioned.

"Painful." Davina admitted softly.

"You let him go?" Benny questioned, "Burn him out of your system?" Davina leaned into him as they walked back.

"Maybe one day." But how was she to piece her heart back together when the person that always pieced her back broke it, shattered it, there was nothing to say but her heart and her head tormented her.

"I thought I lost you." Rhaenyra remarked. Davina offered her a sad smile.

"You are stuck with me. Remember? You and me against the world." Davina reminded her.

"FUCK the world!" Rhaenyra declared.


"I'm going to be the crown one day." Rhaenyra reminded her.

"But until then." Davina smirked.

"UNTIL THEN!" Rhaenyra agreed.


"You are so lucky!" Katie declared. "I want to be alive during their reign."

"You really don't." Benny countered.

"That was the peak of Targaryen history, when the world was just starting to burn." Dean remarked.

"And it will burn again." Benjen told them. Katie gripped tight to his hand as they walked.

"We all burn in the end." Katie agreed. "If we ever get out of here I think we try and stop the world from burning?"

"I like your optimism." Benjen remarked.

"Best stop here for the stream." Benny remarked.

"Hey, before, what Castiel met you..." Katie whispered "he said you were like me."

"I don't know what he meant." Benjen remarked.

"Yes you do." Katie said softly wrapping her arms around his waist. "You have the sight?"

"Something like that." Benjen agreed.

"Why are you being so mysterious Benjen?" Katie asked as he kissed her.

'Maybe because you are so mysterious, gotta leave some mystery." Benjen offered.

"Stop your smooching and drink up." Dean told them.

"You see things... have you seen anything, since." She waved a hand around.

"No." Benjen admitted. "You?"

"No." she agreed. "I had a dream but..."she locked eyes with him.

"Ned?" she nodded slowly. "I had that dream. It felt different from the others."

"It did feel different." Katie agreed. "That's why I thought it a dream and not... do you think?"

"Knowing you saw it too, yeah." Benjen agreed softly.

"Drink." Dean called over to them.

'Come on." Benjen said leading her to the water. 

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