21. StarChester

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Dean turned in a slow circle with his axe in his hand. Benjen stood in front of a humanoid monster that was sprawled with its back to a tree.

''I don't think he knows, man.'' Benny remarked. But Dean didn't stop he leaned over and put a hand on the monster's shoulder.

''Oh, he knows." Dean corrected. ''Where's the angel?'' He demanded with a menacing glare as the monster was chained to the tree.

''...feel that?'' Katie asked digging her blade in little by little as she brought her face to his. The monster hesitated before huffing out a breath

''There's a stream.' The monster admitted.

''Go on.' Dean encouraged.

''It runs through a clearing not far from here. I'll show you.'' The monster said nervously. Benjen looked to Katie the tip of her knife against the monsters throat under its chin.

''How about you just tell me?'' Benjen countered.

''Go on.'' Katie hissed.

''Three days' journey.' He stammered out ''Follow the stream. There's a clearing. You'll find your angel there.' The monster told them and Katie smirked back at Benny. Dean glanced back at benny with a brow raised.

"Shows what you know." Dean remarked before turning back to the monster. "You know what, Mutt? I believe you." He nodded to Katie and she pushed her knife into the monster's skull from under its chin. The knife came out of his opened mouth. Katie took a step back as the monster choked and gurgled on his own blood. Dean pulled out the knife and the monster's head fell forward. He held it out katie took it wiping it clean on the monster's shirt.

"Look's like we are going to a stream." Benjen remarked.


Katie woke with lips on her. She smiled not even having to open her eyes to know who it was she pulled him closer. Benjen kissed her gently over and over again. Finally she opened her eyes and Benjen pulled a twig from her hair.

"Hi." She whispered snuggling into him. All was quiet and a moment of silence and peace in purgatory was rare so Katie wanted to savor it.

"Hi." Benjen echoed holding her closer. But there moment of tranquility was just that. A moment.

"I smell something." Benny remarked and Dean grumbled as he got up. He kicked at the sole of Katie's boot encouraging her to get up.

"Five more minutes." Katie begged not willing to give up this comfortable position.

"Getting closer.' Benny remarked.

"Kill it so I don't have to move." Katie whined.

"Come on. Cas will be waiting for us." Dean reminded her and she grumbled but rolled away from Benjen's warm touch. He offered her a hand up as Benny delt with the wendigo.

"See, he had it handled." Katie offered wiping the sleep from her eyes.

"Stop your grumbling.' Dean said marching ahead.

"I'm not grumbling, you're grumbling." Katie countered.

"Says the grumbler." Dean retorted and katie stuck her tongue out at him.

"You remind me of Ned and me, when we were younger." Benjen remarked.

"You are the baby of the family too." Katie recalled.

"Mom died when I was little, I don't remember her. Dad died when I was young. My brothers raised me." Benjen informed them.

"Sounds familiar." Dean remarked. "But you listen to your brother and don't fight him at every turn." Dean added.

"Oh no, I did. Took leaving to realize how much I missed them." Benjen told them.

"Well, the vows of the black are until death and purgatory is a death or sorts so when we get back, we can settle down near Winterfell if you want-" Katie began.

"Already planning your future?" Dean remarked.

"Yes." Katie agreed immediately. "We find Cas, get the hell out of purgatory, find sam, then I make this handsome man a Winchester." Katie told him confidently.

"You mean make you a Stark?" Dean countered.

"Nah honey, I'm a Winchester, dad would pitch a fit if I was anything other than Winchester." Katie clarified.

"Benjen Winchester." Benjen tested it out. "I like it. But not as much as I like Katie Stark."

"We can talk about it, oh a mash up... Win-ark, no that's weird. Starchester?" Katie offered. "That's kind of fun."

"Starchester?" Benjen repeated with a chuckle.

"Katie-" Dean grumbled.

"Stop it, let me dream!" Katie declared as they walked. 

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