2. North men... Yum.

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'So who is your friend?' Katie asked as they walked inside 'oh my God Dean we are so under dressed, look at us they are in freaking ball gowns this is like a fancy ass feast!" Katie exclaimed looking around. 'What are we doing here? We are not party crashing this is a fucking Castle Dean!' Katie warned

'No worry I'm cool I'm close with these guys.' Dean said as his eyes scanned the banquet hall.

'You're not close with anyone we move from region to region we have no friends, we only have each other. You're lying to me. We're crashing a party but I don't understand is why you're lying to me!' Katie spat as Dean kept a hold of her arm as he flirted with every woman he passed. "You were supposed to tell me the truth so I can lie for you!'

'Katie. Calm your tits,' Dean told her

'One my tits are fine. Two don't be difficult I'm just asking a question.' Katie demanded.

'Oh I'm being difficult?" Dean chuckled. 'You're being very defensive about this whole thing.'

'Where is Sam? I can't handle a Hunt without him because you drive me crazy.' Katie warned.

'Wow thanks and here I thought I was your favorite.' Dean saw Ned across the hall.

'Let's not get thrown in one of these lords and ladies prison cells and will come back to that subject.' Katie told him.

'Don't worry there's Ned.'

'Ned? Who is this Ned person?' Katie questioned

'Stark of Winterfell, don't worry we're cool.' Dean assured.

'How are you two cool? I don't understand how you know these people.' Katie said as he dragged her along.

'Don't worry Katie, you are going to love it, you're gonna love them, they're great totally cool.' Dean assured.

'How did you meet this Ned person? The ser stark of Winterfell.' Katie mused as they walked through some very fancy dressed folks, they stared at the siblings with confusion but Dean was confident.

'Lord Stark.' Dean corrected

'Fuck off.'

'Come on Katie.' he pulled her arm 'Ned!'


'Pardon me,' Ned said trying to get around Jaime.

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking his way. 'I hope it's true'

'Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him.

'I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

'I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him

'No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned told him

'Well said.' Jaime told him grinning.

'Excuse me,' ned said again walking off but Dean grabbed his arm.


'Dean fucking Winchester. what are you doing here?' Ned exclaimed as he hugged Dean.

'Going on a monster hunt of course your brother's gonna be here right?" Dean questioned as Katie looked around. She didn't like not being prepared and she liked to blend in, this was not blending. They stuck out like leprosy.

Forever Winter // Benjen StarkWhere stories live. Discover now