9. Do Not Exist

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"Sit. You'll be fed. Untie them." Benjen instructed

'Who are they?' Jon questioned nodding over to the men they were bringing to the wall. Tyrion put his book down looking over at the men.

'Rapers. They were given a choice no doubt' Tyrion said as three men were untied and brought next to the fire. 'Castration or the wall,' Tyrion told Jon 'most choose the knife...' Tyrion admitted and saw the horrified look on jons face 'Not impressed by your new brothers? Lovely thing about the watch you discard your old family and you get a whole new one.' Tyrion told him, going back to his book.

'Why do you read so much?'

'Look at me and tell me what you see.' Tyrion asked him

'Is this a trick?' Jon asked.

'What you see is a dwarf. If I had been born a peasant they might've left me out in the woods to die. Alas I was born a Lannister of Castlery rock. Things are expected of me. My father was the hand of the King for 20 years-' Tyrion reminded him.

'Until your brother killed that King' Jon remarked

'Yes.' Tyrion agreed 'until my brother killed him.' Jon sighed ''Life is full of these little ironies.' Tyrion said 'My sister married the new king and my repulsive nephew will be the king after him.' Jon stared across at him 'But I must do my part for the honor of my house. Wouldn't you agree? But how?' Tyrion asked 'well my brother has a sword and I have my mind and I need books like a sword needs a whetstone, that's why I read so much Jon Snow.' Tyrion told him. 'And you? What's your story bastard?'

'Ask me nicely and maybe I'll tell you dwarf.' Jon said calmly. Tyrion laughed.

'A bastard boy with nothing to inherit, off to join the ancient order of the nights watching alongside his valiant brother in arms.' Tyrion told and Jon glanced over at the rapers they had picked up anxiously.

'The nights watch protects the realm from...' jon began.

'Yes yes' Tyrion agreed, '-against grumpkins and snarks. All the other monsters your wet nurse warned you about.' Jon's eyes flickered back and forth, maybe he was making a mistake.

'You're a smart boy you don't believe that nonsense.' Tyrion told him and Jon looked back over at his new brothers, 'everything is better with some wine in your belly too,' Tyrion said throwing him a pouch. Jon took a long sip as Katie sat down next to him.

"You are a nonbeliever in the mythical and magical? Is that what I heard?" Katie questioned taking the pouch from Jon.

"You believe in grumpkin and snarks?" Tyrion countered.

"Vampires, werewolves, wendigos- those were a pain, oh we dealt with a group of leviathans not to long ago." Katie went on and Tyrion stared her, she sounded so sure of herself but those creatures did not exist. "And you don't want to fuck with banshee's, literally or figuratively." Katie added with a wink as she nudged Jon with her shoulder.

"You really hunt monsters?" jon questioned.

"You are going to the wall, taking the black- which by the way you are too cute to be alone forever." Katie added and Sam chuckled sitting down next to her.

"Don't let Benjen hear you say that." Sam remarked.

"I have eyes." Katie informed him. "Jon is of Benjen's blood. It just proves the Starks make good looking children.... It's a compliment on the whole stark family.'' Katie offered. Jon blushed looking to the fire.

"Katie!" Dean warned.

"You don't want me talking to mr. gorgeous ranger Benjen, you don't want me talking to cutie Jon, I am not good at staying quiet." Katie told him.

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