Chapter One

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Years back...

• Arsenio •

"You are going to top again, aren't you?" I asked Zenith as we walked out of the class, done with our final exams.

He gave me a smirk in return. "Well, what can I say? You know how intelligent I am."

I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully. "Anyway, aren't you flying home with me to see Ezlyn?"

He sighed. "I wish I could but there are a few things that I need to take care of first. I'll see you there next week."

I frowned slightly. Zenith Grey was my best friend and the third person in our group which consisted of Ezlyn and me. Even though we were older than her, we three got along just fine. And I loved them both more than I could ever admit.

"Okay...see you in a week." I patted him on his back and side-hugged him before parting ways, already excited to fly over to Boston to my parents and Ezlyn.

That very evening, I flew back and my dad's driver picked me up from the airport and drove me home.

I could sense something was wrong the moment dad opened the door and I stepped inside, there was a gloomy atmosphere in the house.

"What's going on?" I inquired, taking in the lines of worry on dad's forehead. "Where's mom?"

"In the living room."

Not knowing what was wrong, I walked to the living room and found mom gazing out of the window, a distant, vacant look in her eyes.


Her head snapped to me and the face which always used to have a huge smile lacked it.

"Is everything okay?" I asked as dad walked into the living room. "Why is everyone so sad? What happened?"

Cold dread started to trickle inside me. Something was wrong. Something happened.

Mom got up and walking to me, engulfed me in a hug, burying her face in my chest and breaking down completely, her body wracking with sobs. "V-victor...Azora..."

Ezlyn's parents. My hold tightened around her. "What happened to them? Where are they?"

She sobbed loudly at that. "T-they...they...had an accident. They...died on spot."

The information hit me so hard that I stumbled back for a moment before I steadied myself. "What? And... where's Ezlyn?" God, no. She better be safe.

"She wasn't there. She's safe." Dad answered and slowly pulled mom from me and into his arms as he stroked her hair.

What the fuck. Azora was mom's childhood best friend, they grew up together, I can't even imagine what she must be going through. If something would have happened to Ezlyn--

No. I assured myself. She is okay.

But then another fact hit me hard. She lost both her parents. Together. And why the fuck no one told me?

"We didn't want to disturb you..." Dad said softly as if he heard my unasked question. "You were having your exams, so we didn't tell you. Their funeral was held a few days ago."

"What the hell, dad?! Why would you do that?! I needed to know that!"

Dad looked guilty and averted his gaze.

Fuck. Ezlyn. My little cupcake, where is she even? God dammit, I should have been there for her. Fuck. "Where's Ezlyn?"

Mom wiped away her tears and taking a deep breath sat down on the couch. "She is moving in with us for the time being, she has no one else. She's over at her house at the moment, she needed to pick up something."

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