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"What the- Grian!? Y/N?!" Mumbo shouted, panic clear on his face. "Grian!" Scar screamed. "You filthy Watcher! Get away from them!" Mumbo just stood, arms at his side and jaw to the floor. Grian held on to me tightly, clearly scared due to Scars aggressive behaviour. "Scar!" I yelled. "Let me explain, just calm down!" He looked at me, a crazed look in his eyes. "No! I'm not going to calm down! Your my best friend, I won't let him hurt you!"

His volume got louder and louder as he spoke, causing me to wince at the volume. Grian grip on me suddenly loosened a bit, and a calming aura started to radiate off of him. Scar relaxed slightly, but he was still tense all over. "Scar, look. I'm not going to hurt them. Just relax, and let us explain." He said, voice sweet and gentle.

Scar looked like he was about to listen, but then I accidentally tripped on a pebble. Grian did catch me, but the yelp of surprise I let out broke the spell Scar was in, making him no longer relaxed. "You- I can't believe it! Mumbo, help me out on this one! He tried to hypnotize me!!!" Scar screamed, volume getting even louder. "I..." Mumbo spoke in a confused voice, but much calmer then Scar.

"I think we should listen to both of them." He finished. I gave Mumbo a look of relief, but it quickly turned back into panic when Scar began to shake Mumbo. Seeing nothing but confusion from the moustached male, he turned back to us, glaring at Grian. "I don't know what you did to Mumbo and Y/N, but release whatever spell you have on them!" He demanded.

Scar had always seemed so... humorous. A person who would take something as shocking as this well. Seeing him in this state, broke me. Tears started to stream down my face, until eventually I was crying out rivers. Grian used some magic to create a handkerchief, giving it to me. I took it gratefully, though it barely did anything.

I had expected him to be understanding. He always had been with me and Mumbo. Apparently not with Grain anymore, though he had been before now. He screamed insults at Grian. "Please-" Grian was caught off by Scar leaping towards him, holding a diamond sword. "You!!! When you respawn I will enjoy every minute of you getting banned! Xisuma is at spawn, and when he sees you he'll make sure you never see Hermitcraft again!"

Scar screamed. He clearly couldn't see that he was being more than unreasonable. "I'll fix what you did to Y/N and Mumbo!" He yelled, attempting to stab Grian. In a panic, Grian surrounded himself in a purple dome, that had steam like swirls inside of it. When Scar jumped at the dome, he just went into it and reappeared on the other side. Mumbo came up to Scar and tried to calm him, but the raging beast would not settle down.

Scar walked up to me and started to shake me, yelling about breaking a spell or something. I was starting to get dizzy, and told Scar to stop, but he continued with it. Suddenly, a hand shot out from the dome and pulled me in, where I was met with Grian looking worried. From the inside of the portal like dome, I could see and hear everything happening outside, but I was safe and protected. It was nice, especially with the comfort of being hugged from behind.

Scar looked at the dome, beginning to hyperventilate. He took out his chat device and began typing frantically. I felt my own device buzz, so I took it out and saw a message that would change everything.

GoodTimesWithScar: guys there's a Watcher at y/ns base come now

I froze. Grian looked over my shoulder and had a similar reaction.

MumboJumbo: please Scar is going nuts help

MumboJumbo: Grian is the Watcher but he hasn't done anything

MumboJumbo: scar tried to kill him and he's just trying to protect himself

GoodTimesWithScar: Mumbo is under some sorta spell don't believe him

I sighed. The Hermits were going to believe Scar. I already knew it. Sure enough, within minutes everyone was here, either angry, terrified, or worried as void. All the people I knew and loved were now trying to hurt my boyfriend, and I hated it. I almost broke into tears again, but made myself relax- I needed to stay calm right now.

Mumbo was in front of the purple dome containing us, yelling and trying to get them all to stop. No one was listening. I knew that quite a few of the people on this server had some kind of experience with Watchers, and wanted revenge. Whether it was for a loved one, the perfect life they lost, or a friend who had an encounter, all of them were more angry then a rampaging enderman.

Grian held onto me for dear life, crying out a few tears of his own. Hearing all the chaos outside, feeling Grian's tears drip onto my clothes, it was too much. I broke down, hyperventilating, crying, screaming. Hot tears poured down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. This was way too much. Grian continued to hold onto me, but he was instead of crying himself, trying to make me feel better. Tears did slip from his eyes, but overall he was mostly calmed down.

"Shhh... It's okay Y/N. I'm sure everything will be just fine." He whispered into my ear, rubbing circles onto my back. I wasn't having his optimism. "No! No it's not!" I screamed. "They'll ban you! I'll never see you again!" I was having a complete and utter panic attack. "Look, I will have my powers for the next 13 hours or so. If they ban me, I can bring you with me." He said.

"But... I like it here, Grian! I don't want to leave, but I don't want to be without you!" I cried. "I'm sure we can make it work." He insisted. His optimism was killing me. "HOW?! HOW IN THE NAME OF VOID ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I didn't get a response.

It seemed Grian was thinking of what to do, likely to get me to calm down. After a couple minutes, he apparently came to a conclusion. The screaming outside stopped, and I could no longer peer outside the dome. It was just purple everywhere. Soon enough though all I saw was the red jumper of Grian, as I was pulled into his chest.

"Shhh..." He murmured into my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine. "It's all going to be fine, okay?" He rubbed my back soothingly. I shakily nodded, silent. This continued for a bit. I was aware of the chaos happening outside, but at least now I couldn't see it. Then a weird symbol appeared, made solely out of bedrock in my sight. Grian didn't seem to see it though. Suddenly, the purple dome vanished. I looked to Grian, but he seemed as shocked as I was.

Rather then leaping at us, the other hermit's were staring, terrified at something else. I looked where they were staring, Grian following my movements. His grip on me tightened as our eyes met there destination. A creature was floating in the air, wearing a mask with the same symbol on it. It looked slightly similar to Grian, only it was wearing a uniform, and had a sinister expression.

"Grian." It boomed, voice low and mature. I felt Grian begin to shake, the arm wrapped around me beginning to crush my ribs. "You left us, ran away. We have been looking for you so, so long. Enjoy the ride, mortal. You will pay for your sins." It stared directly at Grian while saying it's speech. Grian's grip was so painful, I let out a small whimper. His grip immediately loosened, but my discomfort was replaced by the creatures burning stare into me.

"And they will suffer too, all your friends will. But, don't worry. I'll save the big agony for Y/N..." At the creatures words, Grian was about to attack it, but before he could, his eyes widened. He was back into a normal parrot hybrid, his powers now removed. "Can't have you cheating." I glared at the creature. Boldly, I stuck up the middle finger at it with no guilt.

It seemed more amused then anything. Then, I saw complete purple as we were transported to another dimension. It lasted a few seconds, before I saw brand new blocky scenery in front of me.

"Welcome." The deep voice said. "To 3rd life."

1444 words! Ahhh... this took sooo long. Kill me now. Just, stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

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