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It had been two months since me and Grian had confessed. We had gone on many dates, and I finished my mega base! Grian had seen it, and congratulated me for the build. There was quite a bit of detail, and it looked like what I had planned. As for the dates, we had gone to a forest, the same island where we confessed, wandered around (and pranked Iskall), the list goes on.

We were meant to have a date today as well, in a few hours. I was already all set up for it, so I decided to walk a bit in the shopping district. Using my elytra, I flew freely through the air, enjoying the wind blowing back my (Hair Colour) hair. Scar and Mumbo had found out about us dating, we hadn't really kept it a secret. 

After they processed the information, we had been teased mercilessly, them saying it was what friends were for. They also came up with a stupid name (both of ours combined) and typed it into the communicator, letting the whole server read it. We had to explain, and now thanks to the two boys everyone knew. We didn't mind that much, but we pretended to.

I sighed contently, landing on the ground. I then went shopping around a bit, mostly buying useless crap to have fun with later. Storing it into a shulker box, I began to fly home. After all, it had been a few hours so Grian could arrive at any moment. Getting to my desired destination, I sunk my feet into the grass outside my base. I used a water elevator to get into the ghost tail part, successfully entering.

I was feeling a bit peckish, so I went into the kitchen to grab a snack. Walking over to the chest, I found a note taped to the top of it. I ripped it off and read it.

Dear Y/N,

Sorry, but I can't come to the date.

Something came up and is preventing me from coming.

Once this is over, I promise to take you on a great date.

- Grian

 I stared at the note for a few minutes, both puzzled and angry. What's 'something'? What is he hiding? Why? The questions kept running through my head. "I'm coming to your base!" I angrily said to the empty room. He wasn't just going to cancel on me with no explanation. Was I being a little unreasonable? Probably. But I had been counting down the days until the date, and wasn't about to let my patience go to waste.

Many rockets later, and a lot of glaring at nothing, I arrived at the avians house. It was what we had planned out together, and looked great so far. The front was done, the sides were halfway there, and the back had a long way to go. Grian had mentioned to me that he hates doing the back of a build, which I can somewhat relate to.

Storming through the entrance, I wandered bravely through his chest monster. Many, many shulker boxes littered the ground. But, I also heard a noise coming from the bedroom. It was a cross between a whine and a screech. The exact noise a bird hybrid would make in a crisis. Trying to ignore it, I walked towards the bedroom.

I couldn't take the noise, so using my arms to cover my ears, I opened the door. Grian was on the bed, curled up into a ball, but he didn't look... normal. Usually Grian had wings with red, yellow, and blue on them, in a unique lined pattern one could get lost in. Right now he had a glowing purple for wings with... eyes on them? One of the eyeballs spotted me, and Grian froze.

Slowly turning around, he stared at me. I got a look at his actual eyes, and they were... odd. Normally his eyes were a hazel brown. His eyes now... the white part and pupil were the darkest shade of black in the world. His iris was the same shade of purple as his wings, only more vibrant. "Y-Y/N?" He said shakily. I didn't reply, too shocked to speak.

He buried his face in his hands, continuing to sob. Despite the fact that he looked different, this was still Grian, and I hated seeing him upset. My vocal chords still wouldn't work, so I just hugged him. He stayed still for a moment, before hugging back, pulling me into him with great force. His wings wrapped around the both of us.

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