3rd Life

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A/N: Due to the events of the previous chapter, this won't be cannon at all. Also, thanks for the support. I suck at writing, and I'm just trying my best. This book is awful, thank you for tolerating this so far. Also, only hermits here. Sorry if you wanted one of the people from other servers, but... don't kill me. Anyways, here we are!

"Welcome to 3rd life." The creature said in a monotone voice. Grian glared at it, mumbling curses under his breath. "Here you will participate in a not so fun game. It's simply just life, but you can only respawn so many times. You will each start with three lives, or your green life. When you die, you will have two lives, or your yellow life. And then, your red life. If you die on your red life, you stay dead. Also, red lives tend to be... rather violent. Beware. Last one standing will win, and be able to try and save you, or just live on. It will vary on the person. Be entertaining for us."

And with that the creature vanished. The hermits, after processing the information, turned to Grian with death stares. He attempted to fly away with me, but found his wings had been shrunken enough that he couldn't. Doesn't mean he couldn't wrap them around both of us in fear though. However, before violence could come, Xisuma spoke up. "From what I have gathered," He began, capturing all the others attention.

"The Watchers hate Grian. And he hates them. Look at him my friends, he is just like us. Another victim of the Watchers. I'm not saying you have to be his best friend, but don't kill him." Scar glared at us, mostly Grian. "Don't even think that I forgive you!" He said, loud enough that we could hear, but quite enough no one else could. I sighed. I suppose he had the right to be angry, but couldn't he just forgive Grian? I guess not. With that, everyone walked away with a group.

Me and Grian set off towards some mountains to base together. It ended with a tiny hobbit hole in a mountain, looking slightly pathetic. But, it was hard to notice, which would be good in the future. We also had a nice little bedroom inside, separate to the main area. We both walked into said bedroom, exhausted from building nonstop. "I'm going to go gather some resources." Grian told me after a little bit of resting. I nodded as he walked out of the bedroom.

I cried a lot once alone. I had never reacted well to change, and now I found myself in a whole new world with angry people I knew once as friends. This was my worst fear come true. Others may see this as weak, but I thought it was what any sane person would do. (A/N if I see any comments calling this behaviour weak or something I will personally come kill you) I didn't notice the time though, because Grian walked in and saw me sitting on the floor there in tears. Not ideal.

He looked concerned, but then a wave of empathy washed over his gaze. "Y/N?" He called softly. I sniffed in response. "Can you do me a favour?" I nodded. "Get on the bed." I obeyed. He got into bed himself, before tucking the both of us in. He then grabbed me, wrapping one arm around my body and the other around my head. Using the arm on my head, he gently guided my face to his shoulder, before wrapping his wings around me.

I couldn't move, but I didn't really want to. I was so cold, and he was the perfect warmth for it. His head rested on top of mine, while his arm drew circles onto my back. He was very careful to not harm a single part of me, whilst still holding onto me as tight as he could. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked quietly. "I never liked change... a-and Scar... and it's just all t-too much." I stuttered.

He sighed. "I'm sorry I brought this onto you. If it wasn't for me we'd still be on Hermitcraft, and Scar wouldn't be like... this." He whispered. "It's not your fault." I reassured him. "Nobody knew that this would end up happening. We can't see the future, even if we are mystical beings. Don't blame yourself." I finished. He hummed quietly. I never knew that humans could get this comfortable in my whole life, and I never wanted to leave this position.

I then thought about my two kitty's, Pastel and Sapphire. I might never see them again. That thought made tears stream down my face at a rapid speed, making Grian's shirt a little wet. He quickly wiped them away. "Diamond for your thoughts?" He said gently, wanting to know the reasoning behind my sudden burst of tears. "Pastel and Sapphire..." I said through sobs. "Don't worry. We'll win this game, and see them again." He murmured.

My chat device buzzed in my pocket, so Grian freed one of my arms to allow me to get it.

Server: GoodTimesWithScar was blown up by creeper.

I sighed. We had our first yellow life now. Scar had a reputation for dying, and when he got onto red I knew he would come for us. Putting the device into my pocket, I buried my face back into Grian's shoulder. "Yet another thing to worry about." He commented, correctly guessing my thoughts. "Mmmhm." I hummed. "That's for the future." He laughed slightly. "Don't worry." He said. "I have a special something." Now I was curios. "What?" I asked.

"Follow me." He commanded. He let go of me and took the blanket of, to which I squeaked at the sudden cold. "We can cuddle again another time." He reassured my disappointed face. Reluctantly I got up and followed him out of the bedroom and into the main lobby. He opened up a chest, to reveal a diamond sword. "How?!" I gasped. "I went mining." He replied simply.

"If Scar still has any of his old personality, he used his one diamond to make a juke box." I said. Grian laughed. "Anyways," He said. "We can probably beat him. It's two on one and we have diamonds." I nodded in agreement. "Then, when we win we'll free the server and go home." He finished. "Hopefully..." I whispered. However, to my surprise I found Scar and Bdubs making their way over through the door window.

"Grian, intruders." I whispered. He followed my gaze, eyes widening when his eyes fell onto the two males approaching. Bdubs was grinning behind Scar, likely plotting something. As they made there way over to the cliff with the bridge, Bdubs pushed Scar into the ravine below. I could see Scar scream as he fell, before he came out of sight. A minute later, my chat device buzzed, revealing his death message.

Server: GoodTimesWithScar fell from a high place.

I gasped in horror. We would have to deal with Scar earlier then I expected. Bdubs then walked away, grinning from ear to ear. But before he left, he looked at us and typed something into his device. I looked at the new message whispered to me.

Bdouble0 whispered to you: Ren gave me a clock!

You whispered to Bdouble0: Why did ren want him dead?

Bdouble0 whispered to you: Scar stole his enchanter.

I sighed. Grian had read over my shoulder and slapped himself in the face. "Well, If Scar comes to kill us he's dead, but when we win he'll be back. No one will die forever as long as we survive." Grian said. I nodded.

Sure enough, in a few minutes I saw Scar on our bridge, walking towards our base. I held my iron sword tightly, Grian did the same with his diamond one. Scar got to our door, and called very simply.

"Grian? Y/N? I'm here now..."

1332 words! I hope the cuddling was enough for you. I'm new to fluff so bear with me if it's bad. I usually write angst... Also, I would kill to see an animation of that cuddling part... idk why tbh. Anyways, stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

For Fun (Grian x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن