Wait- You Too?!

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I woke up around mid afternoon. I had slept in that much?! I again got up and to work. Once I got outside though, Grian was in front of my build. "Impressed?" I asked him. He turned around. "The build, yes. How your working on it 24/7, no." He said. "I... Since when were you so concerned for my health?!" I questioned. "Since you started treating it badly." Okay- Well... ugh, good response.

I was honestly a little bit embarrassed. "So, because I care about your health, your taking the day off!" He exclaimed. "Is there another option?" I asked, wanting to work. "Nope!" He said. Accepting my fate, I asked "Wheres the vacation at?" He smiled. "Wherever you want!" He said. "Can I go to a private island and be alone?" Maybe I could sneak away or work there.

"You could go to an island, the private part not so much. There needs to be either me, Mumbo, or Scar with you so you won't work." Never mind then I guess... if I didn't know better I would choose Scar, thinking he would understand and let me. But I knew he was likely also trying to get me to take a break.

"...Fine." I agreed reluctantly. "Great!" He said. "Where do you want to go and who with?" I thought for a minute. "I think... with you," I didn't see the light pink dusting his cheeks. "And where... you can decide." I finished. "G-great! Well we can go to the beach, if your ok with it." He said, stuttering slightly.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it." I said. I didn't know why it was so hard to say that. "Okay! Uh, follow me!" He said, seeming both nervous and excited. I got my elytra while he stretched his wings. Grabbing my rockets, I walked up to him. "Lead the way." I said. He took off, and I followed suit.

After a couple minutes of flying in peaceful silence, we landed at a tropical island. It was relatively small, and no civilization in sight. I quickly marked down the route, so I could go there if I needed to. "Here we are!" He shouted. I covered my ears. "Grian! I have sensitive ears!" I said. 

"Oh- Sorry! I forgot..." He apologized. "Anyways, here we are!" It was tiny, and hard to notice from birds eye view. "How did you find this place?" I asked. "Oh! I was looking for resources to prank Scar!" He replied cheerfully. I slapped myself in the face. "Of course." I mumbled. He chuckled to himself.

"Anyways, I found this place, and I liked it! So, I build a cabin in the forest!" He pointed towards a large meadow. I noticed a pathway sticking out between a couple trees. A small walk later, and I arrived at a rustic cabin. It was small, but had a charm to it. There were buttons on the spruce walls for depth, and the roof was made of dark oak.

It had stairs in the walls, making it look like chunks of it were missing. The windows were made out of light grey glass panes, and had a cobblestone frame around them. The door had a nice railing, and it over all looked like a cozy cabin that had been there a long time. There was also cobwebs coming up from the chimney, mimicking smoke.

He held the door open for me, and after thanking him I came in. On the inside, there was a bed in the corner, a table in the middle, and a fireplace next to it. There was also a 2 by 2 rug in front of the door. "Impressed?" He asked me. "...Maybe..." I said. "Right!" He clapped his hands. "So, I know you've been for the most part sleeping, correct?" He asked. I nodded.

"How many hours?" "..." "Okay." He pointed at the bed. "You need at least 8 hours, not 3." He said. "So your going to take a well earned nap, (looking at you for those reading this at 3:00 in the morning, or people who got 4 or less hour of sleep.) and I'll get some fun things set up!" There was no point fighting it, so I agreed. Tucking myself in, I felt the warm mattress.

It was soft and fluffy, and extremely comfortable. Most of the time at a new place I couldn't sleep in the new environment, but somehow with Grian here I felt more safe. Why? It doesn't matter. Those were my last trains of thought as I drifted off to dreamland.

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