Iron Heart

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Grian's POV:

It had been three days since we found Y/N again, and I refused to loose hope. I had scheduled a meeting with the other Hermit's about them, to try and make them remember us again. I didn't know it was possible for my hatred of the Watcher's to get any higher, but it did with what they did to Y/N. I wasn't one to hate people, but they had crossed several lines time and time again. I wished them the worst. 

I just... where did all the fun go? All the pranks and laughter, the cuddles and smiles, the warmth and love. What happened? How did it all go wrong like this? What did I do to deserve this?

I flew up using my wings, soaring into the sky to spawn. After a bit of flying, I landed at the area where I found the others waiting. I softly landed and joined in the circle forming while we waited for all the Hermits.

After a few minutes everyone arrived and we began the plan. Greetings were exchanged before Xisuma spoke up. "Uh, look, I think I may have an idea." He said. I nodded at him, signalling him to continue. "I think each of us can visit Y/N and try to 'spark' their memory, bring up all the fun things we did together... Maybe, just maybe it'll work?" He trailed off awkwardly. It was clear he cared about Y/n, the two had gotten pretty close during late season 6 and this season, before...

Yeah. Anyways, the others agreed and I took off once again, mentally preparing myself to encounter that... thing the Watcher's have turned Y/N into. I don't care what I need to do, please I-... I just want the old Y/N back... The one that would laugh, and smile... Their gorgeous smile... And that look of chaos in their eyes after they pranked someone... And their cute little face when they get flustered... I just want my Y/N...

[Timeskip because yes ;)]

I slowly walked towards the cell that Y/N was in. I took a deep breath, and walked forwards into it. Maybe this will work, and we can all meet up again and laugh, then prank Mumbo! Yeah... Positive thoughts. Y/N looked up at me, sneering mockingly once they saw who I was. I mentally flinched but tried to keep calm and not cry. "H-Hey, Y/N..." I greeted awkwardly. They rolled their eye's and muttered "It's Emerald, bird-brain." Under their breath. I blinked away a few tears and spoke once again. "I know you aren't happy to see me... With you hating me and all... I just, wanted to remind you of something I guess. You don't have to talk, or even look at me... Just, please listen." 

They just sighed and faced the wall, showing me zero respect whatsoever. "Uh.. Do you remember when we confessed to each other? You were really stressed on a base, and I was worried about you, so I uh, I took you on a little vacation! We went to an island with a cabin I built, and you slept for the first time in a while.. Then I built a big dome so it was perfect! I pranked you when you woke up, you should've seen your face..." I giggled quietly at the memory, before remembering it was gone and frowning again. 

"I took you around, and we played games together. We even raced on pigs! Even though you beat me, I was still so happy.. Then I took you to the leaf dome I made. As a joke, I put parrot's everywhere.. You were so confused... I told you how I felt, and you somehow felt the same way! I was honestly shocked... Heck, I still am! I have no idea what I did that could've possibly made someone as gorgeous as you fall for me, but I guess I did it. We danced for a while, up in the sky. We were just so, so happy.. I- I wish it could've lasted forever... Please.. Don't you r-remember?" I was holding back tears at this point, looking at Y/N with hope.

"Grian, I-" They began.

 "I- PFFFT!" They started laughing for a while, before eventually calming down. "Where in void's name did you come up with that?! How much time have you been planning for? Pfft- Like I'D date someone like you. You're a manipulative monster! Plus, I've never even met you! Next, you're gonna be saying the Watcher's brainwashed me or something!" Suddenly, all the amusement left their voice, as they stared at me straight in the eyes. 

"Get out of here, you pathetic bird... 

I will never love you."

My eye's widened, and all I could do is slowly nod as I left the cell. Tears slowly started to go down my cheeks, salty liquid staining my skin. Mumbo walked up to me, but before he could say anything I flew off. I needed to go home, and just... I didn't even know. I needed to leave, now. The misty clouds went through my body, leaving me damp yet still able to fly. The water felt nice, but I couldn't focus on that.

As soon as I was as my hobbit hole, the one that me and Y/N pranked Mumbo with, I broke down sobbing on the floor, hugging myself tightly. They were just saying that because of the Watcher's... Right? Yeah! But- What if they- What if they never did love me? What if they were just faking to make me happy? No, they do love me!... Yeah, they would never lie about that, they do genuinely love me. It- It's not just a one sided relationship, it can't be! What about all the times they welcomed me in with open arms, the dates, the cuddling. That couldn't have been fake, this is just the monster those Watcher's created talking. I love them and they love me...

...Don't they?

1007 words! I AM BACK! Sorry, I had MAJOR writers block, but here we are! MORE ANGST! Please let me know if anyone cried, I was really trying here >:). Uh- ANYWAYS- Stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

For Fun (Grian x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz