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(Y/N POV:)

I slowly open my eyes, and find myself strapped to a chair in a dark room. There seems to be a door a few feet in front of me. I try to jump with the chair to reach the door, but the legs of it are attached to the floor. I then try to wriggle out of the ropes, no use. I've read enough stories to know that making noise is a bad idea, so I refrain from calling out for help.

I just sigh and wait for something to happen. I would look around the room for anything I could use to escape, but again, it was pitch black in there. I closed my eyes again in an annoyed manner. You would expect me to be more panicked about being literally kidnapped, but this was me your dealing with. I did not care, I was irritated, but not scared.

I honestly after 3rd life just didn't give a crap about fear, trauma made me immune to it. (Pog through the pain XD) Eventually the door creaked open and in came a Watcher. It sighed dramatically and began to speak. "I am terribly sorry we had to do this, but rest assured it is for the greater good. Y/N, I don't think you know, but Grian isn't quite the same loving loyal boyfriend you see him as." I rolled my eyes but let it continue. "He will do anything and betray anyone to gain power. He tells you that we forced him to join us, but it was optional. He abandoned his friends to get our powers. Then he learned about Hermitcraft and ran away, leaving us without a blink of an eye."

"You manipulative-" I took a deep breath. "No. He wouldn't do that, because he's amazing. You are the evil ones here, and I won't listen to the villains." It sighed and shook it's head. (Y/N's using 'it' pronouns because they don't like Watcher's enough to even see them as a living being) "He's got you good. Look, I know this can be hard for you. We are here alongside you on this journey p, but rest assured we'll help you open your eyes. The Hermit's are all Grian's lackey's, his goons. They've been manipulated by him too, and we're trying to protect you from the same fate." It said in a sympathetic tone. "What about 3rd life, huh?" I demanded.

"We we're trying to make it clear Grian is evil, but he outsmarted us unfortunately. Why do you think he just let you be the one to die?" It asked. "Because he was trying to protect us!" I screamed defensively. I tried to hide the fact that I flinched at the memory. It just smiled. "I'll leave you to process things, okay? Take care." With that it left. 

It was wrong, Grian would never do that.



I woke up after another restless sleep, rubbing my eyes. I looked around my dark room. I had wrote down a lot of words on the walls over time, to remind myself that the Watchers saved me. Grian hurt me, and I don't know why I thought he loved me. He was the enemy. I had told the Watchers about how I wanted to forget his acts of 'Kindness' and just... not remember. It hurt too much. 

They said they would do a ritual tonight to make me forget, I couldn't wait. For now though, more planning my revenge on Hermitcraft. They will pay for what they did to me. He will pay for what he did to me. I promise on the name of Watchers I will kill them. Him.

I'll kill you Grian... If it's the last thing I do.


 I woke up in a big glowing blue circle, surrounded by tall purple figures. Where... am I? What happened?


I am Emerald, a mighty Watcher. Those figures are my friends. I have sworn vengeance against Diamond, or Grian now, to kill him for what he has done to my people. I obey the Watchers. They protect me. They saved me. I am where I belong.

I thanked my lords and went to rest. I closed my eyes and began to dream.

Warm, slim fingers brushed through my hair (If you are bald or wear hijab then massages your scalp) as someone held me close. A feathery thing was brushing my spine. I looked up to see a familiar face. Suddenly, a memory flashed before me;

 "Careful, you may drown." I joked to someone.

As we began to mine, me and this person talked about a new guy. It was pretty much the only topic of conversation across the whole server. Suddenly the person froze. He was under the waterfall when doing this. I followed his gaze and noticed a person at the cave entrance. The new guy?

He had dirty blond hair, a red jumper, grey pants and a nervous but playful smile. He also had parrot wings, which would under any other servers be unusual, but in this one not so much. After all, ...Someone I can't remember  has his dog ears and tail, and somebody else is literally an turtle in a suit. As they guy was about to say something, my... friend? drowned. I looked at his stuff and ashes, then back to the person.

I decided to make a joke out of it. "Hey! I'm |+|§|-_-' and that" I pointed to the ashes "Is my best friend $€£§[o! What's your name?" He seemed amused that I ignored my friend dying. "I'm Grian, it's nice to meet you *&¥€#" We shook hands. "You too #&*()€." He held out his had to the ash. "*&¥€£, stop being rude, shake his hand!" I said to the mound of dust.

Grian picked up his stuff, and put it in a chest, putting down a kind of threatening sign. It basically explained his stuff and then said Grian totally wouldn't prank him. But, we both know that's a lie.

I looked towards Grian. "So, I gather your new here?" I said. I already knew the answer, it just seemed polite to ask. He grinned. "Yep! I was just looking for a shipwreck actually! I want to make a ship in a bottle!"

I decided to be friendly and tease him a little. "That doesn't seem very futuristic." Yeah, I was being a hypocrite...? -But I just couldn't not point that out. He blinked. "Is your starter base meant to fit in?" I shook my head and he seemed to relax. He looked at me. "Where's your base at?" He asked. "Fantasy district. Just a little cabin but it'll do-

I jolted awake. What the-? That was Grian? But- How did I even know what he looked like? The Watchers said I I've never seen him before! And why was he.. nice?! He's cruel and evil! It's... probably just my brain being weird. The Watchers have always said I'm not intelligent anyways, and their never wrong. I better go train with them, I'll worry about it later.

It's nothing anyways.

1166 words! I'm so sorry 😂 uh- Yeah, you've been brainwashed! Fun! Anyways *Starts frantically backing away* Stay strong and goodbye! *runs*

-ParanormalActivaty 💙

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