Angry Reunion

353 19 36

(Grian's POV)

"Alright, guys, one more run over of the plan." I said. I was in a room at a table with all the other Hermit's, making a plan to free Y/N. "Okay." Scar agreed.

"Alright. So, Mumbo makes a red stone machine that will make a lot of noise, distracting most of the Watchers. Me, Scar, and Iskall with invisibility will crawl through the vents to get to the main hall. Xisuma and Zedaph will be there to distract them so we can get to Y/N's room. We've already collected data and a map for the layout of the place and where the Watchers are. Doc will make a machine to fire arrows at the place from outside, and launch an attack. Everyone else will fight against the Watcher's, using the splash potions Stress made that remove their powers. While the Watchers are fighting we'll break Y/N out. When I give the signal, pretend to retreat and surrender. The Watchers will be prows enough of their 'victory' that they won't notice Y/N is gone for a while, and when they do it'll be too late. Then, when we get back, X will make a command using those splash potions to make Hermitcraft Watcher free. Got it everyone?"

"Got it." They all said. "Okay. Get some rest, you'll need it." I told them softly. I was going to get Y/N back today, and finally be able to hold them again. It's been 6 months since they were kidnapped, and I've been losing my mind. I normally cuddle with pillows and pretend it's them, but it's not the same. Those Watchers will pay for taking Y/N. I went home and smiled sadly at the picture of us both. We were smiling at a picnic together asI kissed their forehead from behind. A light pink tinted their cheeks as I did this. "Soon Y/N, soon. Don't worry." I muttered with a gentle smile. I went to bed, knowing my dreams will be haunted by bittersweet memories.

"Goodnight N/N, wherever you are right now. I'll save you."

I gently held a small figure, stroking their back and drawing pictures on it. I smiled at their sleeping form, kissing their forehead softly. "You really need to sleep more often, that burn out isn't healthy..." I whispered, more to myself than anyone else. I wrapped my wings to cocoon around us, and hold them closer. I blinked tiredly, resting my head on top of theirs. "Sweet dreams N/N" I murmured, before joining them in sleep. I couldn't ask for anything better than this. Falling asleep with the person I love in my arms. It was all I needed. It was what I needed. I need them. I NEED THEM. Bring them back...

I woke up, pillow in my arms. I had been holding it the same way I held Y/N in my dream. I checked the time on the clock. "Midnight..." I muttered. Soon Y/N would be back with me. I just wanted to protect them, and then the Watchers took them away. Once their back I hope they don't want to be wandering around, because we'll be cuddling for a long time. I sighed happily at the thought. Cuddling with them, not a pillow. 

Grian: It's time, everyone meet me at spawn

I didn't wait for a response, flying over as fast as I could. I WILL get them back tonight. I need them, their always there for me, and me for them. Their sweet smile, and mischievous eyes... I could go on for hours. 

I met up at spawn with the rest of Hermitcraft, and we all nodded to each other before heading off to the Watchers base. 


We arrived at the place, and I looked up at it with fury. "Mumbo, Get underground and start building, Doc, make that machine." I said. They both nodded. "Xisuma, Zedaph, here some splash potion just in case, get in and start interfering. Scar, Iskall, follow me and drink this." I continued, handing out potions. "Everyone else, Stress will hand out potions, prepare for battle." With that, I went inside the massive structure and began to crawl through the vents.

Eventually we arrived at a locked room with the words "Emerald" on it. "I've never met an Emerald when I was here..." I whispered to the others. "It's worth checking out." I crawled down and slowly opened the door. A small, sickly thin figure looked up at me.


"Who's there?" They asked in a tired voice. "Y/N..." I whispered. "Who are you?" They asked again. I drank milk and got rid of the invisibility. "Y/N!" "G-Grian?"

I ran up to them, ready to hug them, but the raised there fists and stepped back. "Y/N?" I said, confused. "You..." They said angrily.

"The Watchers told me about what you did to them..." I dropped my arms, very puzzled. "Wha-"

"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY PEOPLE!" They ran towards my with a small iron sword in hand. Out of instinct, I used the hilt of my sword to hit them in the head, causing them to fall back, unconscious. "Huh?" Scar said from behind me. 

"What.. Happened to them?"

852 words! Poor Grian, he won't be getting his cuddles for a while 😈 Stay strong and goodbye!

- ParanormalActivaty 💙

For Fun (Grian x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt