44. Heirlooms

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slanded: Korean
underlined: Hindi

When Sakshi and Namjoon visited Sakshi's house they were showered with congratulations from everyone there . And Sakshi's mom got busy collecting information from Namjoon about his date of birth , time of birth etc. To give to the pandit for checking the kundli and fixing the wedding date

Namjoon told her everything he knew and just gave her his mother's numbers just in case she had anymore doubts or questions . After she was done with her questionnaire Sakshi's mom pulled Sakshi into her room and began pulling out an old trunk from under the bed ...

Sk: ma kya doond rahe aap?

Trans: what are you searching for mom ?

Mom: wait na .

She continued pulling the trunk out and opened it taking out an antique bronze box from it.

Mom: ye rhi woh jo me doond rahi thi

Trans: here you go . This is what I was searching for

Sk: kya hei yeh ?

Trans: whts this ?

Mom: ornaments , yeh hamra pariwarik virasath hei , meri ma ne muje diya , unka beeji ne unhe diya. Aur any mei tuje dhe rahi hei .

Trans: these are our family heirlooms it was given to me by my mother. To her by her grandma and so on. And today I'm giving it to you.

Sk: ma... This means alot .

Mom: aaj nhi dhe rhi yeh.

Trans: I'm not giving you all this today itself

Sk: patha hei. Roka ke dhin dhene ki soch rhi hei kya aap ?

Trans: ya ik . Your planning to give this on the day of roka ceremony right ?

Mom: ya . I'll give u on the day of roka ceremony.

Sk: thnq mom .

Mom: enough with the thnqs now come on , wo sab wait kar rhi hogi hume . Lunch ka time jo ho gaya. .

Trans: they all must be waiting

Sk: hmm true. Chalo chalthe hei

Trans: come on let's go..


Nj: oh your back finally wht did she pull u in there to ?

Sk: to show me some family heirlooms . Anyway it lunch time already so let's go see what mum made

Nj: sounds good .

After enjoying the tasty meal Sakshi's mom had prepared the two stayed there for another couple of hours talking with everyone and having fun until it was time for the newly engaged couple to head back to their hotel in Delhi as their flight was that evening and they had to go check out and also get their luggages from there . So after saying their good byes to Sakshi's family they went to the hotel they were staying at and got their luggages and checked out from the hotel and hailed a cab to take them to the airport . After getting cleared from the passport checking and other security clearances they two waited for the flight to be called and when the call came they both quickly boarded the flight and found their seat .

While Namjoon was chatting with his bandmates catching up with what he missed Sakshi checked her Social media apps and saw that she and Namjoon were in the top trending list and that most of that was positive popularity. And luckily her identity was still unknown to the public. After being happy with what she saw in the SNS ... She decided to sleep a little so she snuggled into Namjoon and dozed off . When Namjoon looked towards Sakshi and saw her sleeping peacefully a smile came up on Namjoon's face. So after giving the sleeping girl a kiss on her temple he decided to get some sleep too.

Their flight landed 5 am the next day and after going through another round  of security procedures at the airport the two finally got out and saw the driver who was send to get them . They greeted him and the driver took them to their apartment and left while they both just decided to get fresh and get ready to leave for work since it was  almost 5: 40 .

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