6. Walk and talk

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Sakshi 's university classes had finished a little early for the day but she was in no mood to just chill at home so she just decided to go for a walk in the park which was near by itself.

She quickly took her phone and airpods and put them in her pocket and took her house keys locking the apartment once she is outside . And began walking towards the park. On reaching the park she connected her airpods and put on her favourite playlist in Spotify and began walking around looking at different things while her favourite songs from different artists played in her ears.

She had walked around for a while suddenly some one bumped into her in hurry knocking both of them down .

Sk: yahh!!!! Look where your going.

??: Ahh I'm really sry I was in a hurry.

Sk: wait Namjoon ssi

Nj: oh Sakshi we meet again.

Sk: ya we keep running into each other this time quite literally though.

Nj: ahh once again sry about that.

Sk: ahh thts ok but why were u in such a rush.

Nj: I was trying to lose some fan girls...

Sk: and you end up running into another one

Nj: ya but your different.

Sk: huh how ?

Nj: your much more respectful. You didn't go too much crazy when we first met , and you never pry into my personal life even though we have met more than a couple of time.

Sk: thts just basic decency. I didn't want you feeling uncomfortable with me.

Nj: Mmh by the way you dropped this. Also good choice of music.

He said giving her one of her airpods back which had fell out when he ran into her.

Sk : ahh trivia love is a really nice song.

Nj: thnq. Also what are you doing here don't you have uni

Sk: it got over early today so thought why don't i go for a walk.

Nj: umm Sakshi if you won't mind why don't we take this conversation to your apartment or some less crowded cafe. Cause standing in the open talking like this might ends up getting us caught up in a scandal if someone recognise me.

Sk: ahh sure we can go to my house. Also it might be really hard huh not being able to do normal things like going to park with opposite gender friends or just going to a club or party without being scared of scandals.

Nj: it was hard at first but as time went by we all got used to this life....

Sk: hmm but shouldn't have to. People should learn to respect privacy and to not come up with theories and assumptions when it comes to other people's personal lives.

Nj: true but sadly not every one thinks like you.

Sk: ya...

Nj: anyway stop with all that how's uni life going for you.

Sk: it's going quite great I already got a best friend . And the classes aren't that hard yet but can't say what will happen in future.

Nj: ahh btw you never told me wht you were studying.

Sk: ahh I'm taking a major in photography and cinematography with minor in dance.

Nj: wahh. Jungkook and Hoseok would have a lots things to talk with if they meet you someday.

Sk: ohh thts nice.

By this time they had reached Sakshi's home .

Sk: want some thing to drink ?

Nj: if won't mind can I get a coffee.

Sk: oh ya sure


Sk: here ya go .....

Nj: thanks. Then what else how you Korean.

Sk: still horrible. I often use translators and horrible and broken Korean when I go out and at uni all knows English . But I really need to learn Korean if I have to live here for almost 3/4 yrs.

Nj: don't worry you will learn soon enough.

Sk: ahh hopefully.

Nj: ahh anyway I have to leave right see you some other time.

Sk: ahh bye.. see you another time.

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