I huffed at his words. Love me..... indeed. Love my money, more like.

Clearing my throat, I said,

“Thanks, Mark. Here…”

I reached back inside, fumbling blindly in the drawer of the table for a tip. When my fingers closed Around what I thought was a fifty dollar bill, I moved to give it to Mark, who smoothly slipped it into his pocket before bidding me good night.

Mark was a good guy, respectful of everyone and always very discreet. He was also very modest and didn’t much care to be put on the spot. I liked that about him, and it was for that reason he and I got along as well as we did. I stepped back inside, heading to the kitchen in order to find a couple of vases for my roses, there was no way I would have one big enough to fit all of them.

Wonder who they are from…

Putting the envelope aside determinedly, I took care of my flowers first, not wanting them to wilt by being without water for too long. Whoever sent them may or may not be worth my time in the end, but it wasn’t the flower's fault, and roses were one of my favorites, especially the blood-red ones.

Finally done with my task, I carried the vases one by one, spreading them around the apartment. I ended up with four of them. I picked up the envelope and tucked it in the pocket of my pajama pants before taking the last vase and placing it upon the coffee table.

My fingers lingered over the petals of the roses, and I bent down to inhale their fragrance before leaning against the table and opening the envelope, at last unable to contain my curiosity. Inside was a piece of cream, heavy stock paper with no indication who it might be from. The script was neat and careful…and vaguely familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

The note read.....

Dear Mr. Rojnapat,

You are hereby invited to attend an intimate dinner for two at Sun & Moon. I would be honored if you would join me tonight at eight. There is much we have to discuss, you and I.

Yours, hopefully.

I blinked, re-reading the note three times to make sure I was not mistaken. Flipping both the note and the envelope over several times to ensure I wasn’t missing anything, I frowned.

What the hell ??

Who sent this ??

And why ??

Reading it once more, I rolled my eyes. Whoever it was wasn’t seriously expecting me to just…go, were they ?? I glanced at the clock, noting that it was already almost seven.

I scoffed. Yeah, right. Not gonna happen, sweetheart.

I shoved the paper inside the envelope irritably and tossed it on the coffee table before heading back to the bedroom. There was no way I would go. It was probably someone’s sick idea of a joke, anyway.

Snorting, I shook my head.

A fine story that would be for ME !!

I decided to take a shower rather than jumping in bed with a book, wanting to try to relax and wash my irritations away. I was just rinsing off when I heard the doorbell again. I was tempted to let whoever was out there wait, but they rang the bell several times in succession, pissing me off. Toweling myself dry as quickly as I was able, but still with dripping wet hair, I pulled my bathrobe on and tied the knot, then hurried to the front door.

Without bothering to check the peephole, I flung the door open and was about to ready to shout, intent on interrupting my quiet evening when the words died on my lips. Right in front of me was a garment bag, dangling off of Mark’s fingers.

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