Chapter-5/The chic gang.... 🙄

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Author's pov

Win and Y/n were talking about their lifestyles suddenly they feel that someone is following them so they turn back and saw it wass....

Stay tuned for next update everyone.. 💜💜

Just kidding🤣🤣🤣

It was the chick gang of the university


When y/n saw them she feels so disturbed coz they are dressed like they are in some kind of party because their skirts were too short they folded their shirts to look sexy and that makeup over loaded face but those people who see them only know how they look like some jokers who came straight away from the circus or zoo.

Seeing them win and y/n started to laugh they can't control their laughing by seeing this leader of the chic gang group jenny got angry and irritated she came to win and y/n shouted at them saying "why you guys are laughing like idiots" by seeing this some of the students started to gather up to see now what drama jenny has pull up coz she is the drama queen of the whole university.

Then y/n replied "we were laughing because suddenly four jokers came in front of us,who doesn't laugh when jokers show up in front of them" by hearing this the whole students gasped because no one dare to talk against jenny...... Then our f4 team also joined to watch this drama

Win noticed that his bambi eyes was there so he suddenly got red.. Then lia the makeup bitch of that group suddenly raged at win saying that "oii you are that boy who created drama in canteen to get bright oppa's attention which is our work" by hearing this y/n and win was fuming but our bright he is getting ready to kill lia but win replied to this question by saying "at least i got his attention in just one day which you were trying to for one year he didn't even know that you exist in the world but me he just- wait why im telling these all to the dustbins which is going to be waste so better you dogs- no no no it will be a shame to dogs plus i too have have dogs which is more beautiful and loyal than you so you better fuck off" by hearing this every student made a ooooooo sound and cheered for win

Author: My goddddd our winny is being sassy and savage here im proud of my boy- i

Bright: what i don't hear you did you say he is your boy

Win:*nervous chuckles*

Author: no no no 😅 i mean bright's boy don't mistake me P'bright P'win is only for you he is only your boy...

Bright:hmmm thats good to hear

Win:enough with your conversation and start the story our viewers are waiting..

Hearing this bright taught how triple "S" his boy is oh he mean how Savage, Sexy, Sassy his bunny boy is....

Suddenly rachel came front to slap win but however bright stopped it by saying "here see girl i don't know who you are but if you dare to touch my bunny boy you and your chicks will be meeting hell by me so mind it and move away from their way" win somehow find it hot when he heard that my Bunny boy from Bright mouth his butterflies started to dance dance all over his body....

But between these one pair of eyes constantly looking at y/n like she is the most beautiful person on the earth and that issss.....

Booooo just kidding.... Don't kill me Guys....

And it was davikah yes she was staring y/n for a very long time like she is the pretty woman in this whole big world not only this time she was the one from the starting she was checking out y/n...... Davikah was so mesmerized by y/n's beauty that she couldn't even blink her eyes while looking at y/n and now this whole some drama made by the chic gang has shown davikah that how brave, caring, savage, sexy, hot y/n is...

Now she is eagerly waiting to meet y/n and planned to make her as her girlfriend.....

Then we can't say that y/n didn't notice this while this whole stupid drama she came to know that davikah was the one who was piercing into her soul on first day but this thought made her to blush a little....

Im ending here everyone.... 😃

Your writer has up coming exams so there will be no updates till Friday i promised you guys that i will give double update on past Saturday but i was not able to keep it sorry for it.. 🥲

So what you all think still there is one couple to start their story and new characters are on the queue so let's wait and watch❤️

So Stay Tuned for next update everyone

Love you all and take care of yourself 💜


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