🌙 Kabanata 52/S3: Decisions

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Seung appeared in front of Joshua.

"That's enough of you."

Seung placed her cold hands in front of Joshua who trembled as two shadows loomed over Seung.

They were glaring down at him ready to kill him which the tall girl will do.

Blue flames covered Seung's hand.

Yoongi and Seulgi transformed back as the others helped them.

Seung blasted the blue flames on Joshua who burned to a crisp.

Rin gasped seeing Tzuyu's burnt body.


Rin shouts horrified as she kneels beside the girl crying as Sullyoon and Minju cry too seeing their sister in this state.

Ji-Hoon grabbed the syringe and was about to give it to Rin when Wheein and Hyejin appeared and laid the fallen Prof.


Kai went beside Yongsun as Jin, Jennie, and Taehyung appeared.

"Unnie! No!"

Jennie sobs as she held Yongsun's hand.

"Ji-Hoon! Give us the syringe, we need Yongsun alive!"

Rin hearing this looked at Ji-Hoon.

"What does Wheein Unnie mean?"

Rin asked as Ji-Hoon pointed the needle toward Yongsun's neck.

"This serum will save a person, but it needs to be injected by one only.

"Then revive Tzuyu!"

Rin shouts as she was about to grab the syringe when Jennie grabbed his wrist.

"What do you mean revive her!? Yongsun Unnie is still needed!"

Jennie shouts as she pushed Rin away who furrowed her eyebrows.

"You are being unreasonable Jennie! She chose her path but Tzuyu didn't! She was selfish by sacrificing other students! Even hyejin Unnie knows!"

Hyejin looked away.

"We need Yongsun Unnie! You just don't get it Rin! I have watched and heard half of my siblings die!"

Jennie yells as Taehyung held her back while Kai watches at the back crying.

Yoongi appeared beside Rin with Ji-Sun.


Ji-Sun whispered.

"Tzuyu is still young! She has dreams! She wants to see the ocean! She wants to accomplish her dreams for her siblings! She wants to be free and happy! She still has dreams while Yongsun Unnie already accomplished hers!"

Rin shouts while jabbing her finger toward Jennie who stayed quiet.


Ji-Sun looks away feeling tears sting her eyes.

Seung appeared and looked down at her two dying friends.

Her head ached as she looks away.

A stinging feeling in her chest made her walk away making Rin frown.

Sullyoon getting pissed grabbed the syringe from Ji-Hoon but was stopped as Taehyung grabbed her wrist trying to take the syringe.

Jin backed away.

"Stop it, Kim! I need my Unnie alive!"

Jennie pushed her but Minju grabbed the blade beside Yoongi and she pointed it at Jennie's neck.


Minju shouts as everyone fell silent, Jennie gulped as the sharp edge of the blade pierced through her skin.

Yoongi held Minjus's shoulder.

"There's no use of fighting... Let Hyejin, Wheein, and Ji-Hoon decide."

They left with heavy hearts.

Ji-Hoon was about to inject Yongsun with the serum when the woman slapped his hand away as if she was raising her hand to a teacher.

Hyejin's eyes widened as she heard Yongsun.

Yongsun who was 18 years old, raised her hand to ask.



Yongsun whispered.

"Is humanity still alive outside these walls?

Yongsun asked as the professor shook his head.

"Is... Humanity... Still there?... Out...side... The walls..."

Wheein went beside Yongsun and whispered.

"There still is..."

Yongsun smiled before shutting her eyes close.

Hyejin looks away as Wheein teared up.

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