Sure thing, boss!

"You don't have to call me that." I drove Epithymia through a centaur's side, ducked a flying knife, and shoved a ton of Earthborn aside like dominoes, setting them all on fire.

Uh, yeah I do. It's kind of our thing!

"Yeah, it must be a sibling thing, because Blackjack won't call Percy by his name either."

Seriously, you're going to compare me to him?

"Is there something wrong with that?"

He's my brother! Yes, there's something wrong with that!

"Whatever you say, Star." I raised my hand, allowing for vines to shoot out of the ground in a makeshift net, catching three flaming cannonballs from the siege tower. I waited for a few seconds before flicking my wrist, the cannonballs coming back to their senders, taking huge chunks out of the foundation.

"Legion, hold your position!" Reyna shouted, Scipio taking a sharp dive alongside Polybotes' leg, falling back at the sight of basilisks leaping from Polybotes' hair, trying to bite the pegasus.

This was like the Battle of the Labyrinth on steroids: Cyclopes' siege towers shot glowing green cannonballs into the city, blasting craters into the forum, reducing houses to ruins; camp's scorpions shot venomous barbs at legions of Earthborn; the Lares took the brunt of the fire set by enemy centaurs, shouting vulgar insults in Latin as they dissolved into thin air.

"Yo, Polygon!" I shouted. "Down here!"

"Andy, what are you doing?" Reyna shouted, having taken point on Polybotes early in the fight.

"Getting him away from the city!" I struck down one of his fire-breathing basilisks, sprinting back towards the edges of Camp Jupiter, where the hill between the mortal world and the camp lay.

"You dare to take me on, girl?" Polybotes roared, throwing his head back in raucous laughter, shaking a few more basilisks to the ground to torment countless legionnaires. "Me, the anti-Neptune? You're a fool!"

"Then fight me." I brandished Epithymia, gesturing for him to make the first move. "I'm right here."

Polybotes took a step forward, the ground quaking underneath me as he charged, throwing his net with deadly accuracy. For a moment, I remembered the net Tartarus used to hold Nico down in his pool of poisonous water, throwing off my balance as I narrowly sidestepped the net, rushing forward and driving Epithymia into the top of the giant's ugly dragon foot.

He swore like a sailor, ironic for being the anti-Neptune, and stomped, sending me flying upwards. Instead of flailing, I lifted my hand, and a platform of dirt launched itself from the ground for me to use as a foothold for a split second as I leaped forward, landing in Polybotes' loincloth.

The loincloth needed some serious washing – seriously, how many millennia had he had to get the thing dry-cleaned? – but I fought the urge to vomit, scrambling up the tattered, rotting fabric, determined to cause Polybotes as much pain as possible.

No more Miss Nice Goddess.

That girl had died in Tartarus.

As Epithymia remained in Polybotes' foot, I summoned my hunting knives, and pushed off from Polybotes' crotch, allowing gravity to pull me downwards as I dragged the Stygian iron blades against his scaly legs, watching as ichor flowed in torrents, causing him to stumble.

"Who's the fool now?" I asked, sheathing my knives at my sides, retrieving Epithymia.

" will suffer," Polybotes promised, wagging his trident around, smacking one of the legion's eagles out of the sky. "I will hold you in a cage next to that blasted son of Neptune. You will watch his suffering, and he shall watch yours!"

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