Chapter 23 || Disappointment

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"Ma, what's wrong"? Maitra shook her head while feeding Nidra

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"Ma, what's wrong"? Maitra shook her head while feeding Nidra. "Did Ruthira say anything", Rudra asked. "Nothing beta". She secretly wiped her tears.

"Thakuma cry", Nidra patted Rudra's arm. "Nothing beta, it's just dust". "I'm not buying your lie, Ma. Tell me what happened". Maitra fiddled with her fingers before confessing the happenings of the day before.

Rudra clenched his fist in anger. He absolutely hated that his Mother was disrespected. "You will not do anything", Maitra held his hand.

"Ma, she-". "Neel, this is why I didn't tell you. She was drunk, let it be". "I'm going to make sure she apologies". He picked his phone up.

"Neel-". "Ma, I will not tolerate anyone being disrespectful to my family". "She didn't mean it, beta". "Fine, if she apologise I'll accept that she really didn't mean it. But if she doesn't...", Rudra shook his head and left the dinning area.

Nidra looked at Maitra with a pout. "Shall we bake a cake later", Maitra asked to cheer her up. "Yesssssss", Nidra jumped on her, giving her a big kiss.


'Brnnngg Brnngg'! 'Brnnngg Brnngg'!

Ruthira fluttered her eyes open with a frown. "Ouch", she rubbed her head to get rid of the throbbing pain. Picking the phone up, she offed the alarm when Rudra's message caught her eyes.

I know what you told Ma last night.
I thought you will respect my parents just like I respect yours but doesn't seem like that.

Ma says you were drunk so she doesn't hold any grudge but I hope you will to apologise to her.

Ruthira groaned, clutching her head when the words she spoke to Maitra came to her mind. "Shit! Why would you say that"! She dialed Maitra.

"You are a curse! You bring harm to your loved ones! You kill them"!

"I need to stay away. I shouldn't! I shouldn't talk to them or else it will harm them. Everyone I talk to will be harmed. Maintain a distance"!

Harshly rubbing her tears, she ended the call. "Should I tell him? I can't handle it", she mumbled, pulling her hair.. "No! No! No! Are you stupid! You will harm them"!

With a heavy heart, she got ready for the day.


"This is the rating of the channel. It has dropped quite badly. We need to do something about this quick", Urmila was presenting in the conference room.

Ruthira was writing down her notes when she felt a feet crawling up her leg. Knowing who it was, she kept quiet. That was all she could do.

Ekansh smirked while lightly brushing his hands on her thigh. Ruthira's hands started trembling as memories of Siddharth flowed in her mind.

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