30. Mama

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Akaashi stared at Kuroo's limp frame in the dim light of the jellyfish tank. He noticed the soft white in his eyes and carefully eased him up. Kuroo followed blindly into a meeting room where Akaashi covered him up in his jacket and left again. He kicked off his shoes and stepped outside.

The feeling of the sand shifting under his feet was bittersweet. His sister had taken him on walks on the beach. They got to practice their forms and swim and be happy.

Mama had taken that away.

That explained the dreams and the anxiety. Akaashi didn't normally get anxious and was normally very stoic and playful in private. Now he was just full of anxious thoughts and jittery touches.

This was because of her. She did this.

Akaashi walked to the edge of the water. He could see the nearly clear sky as the sun was nearly ready to set. Perfect. He would be more energized.

Akaashi stepped into the water and immediate relaxation ran through his body. He smiled and stepped into the ocean with his other foot. For a moment he wanted to play in the edge of the waves like he was little again.

Instead he trudged through the water, his form shifting and changing as if it were a trick of the light. He sunk below the water and his now tattered clothes rose in the water above him, fluttering as if they were swimming above his body. He giggled, his voice washing over his body. Finally. He was normal again.

Akaashi swam deeper and found a cave that he had enjoyed sleeping in. He found his beloved spear and grinned. His teeth were their normal pearly white and he looked oh so eager. Bokuto didn't know about this for a reason. If he were to know, Akaashi would definitely be seen as odd and dangerous.

Bokuto didn't know of the nearly hundreds of dead souls that Akaashi had dealt with. He supplied his family and his colony with food. He was strong. He was violent.

He could have ripped anyone to shreds if he wanted to but that wasn't his place. Now it was.


"Where is he?!" Bokuto shouted. "You can tell by me but yet you can't feel him?!"

Sugawara got in Bokuto's face. "I can't help that your lover is incompetent! Fuck off!"

Daichi banged his head on the steering wheel. "The aquarium! You morons!"

Suga snapped his head towards Daichi. "You call me a moron again and I swear to the sea gods that I'll-"

"Shut up."

Suga's mouth moved but no noise came out. His eyes opened in panic.

"I'm taking Kotarou to the aquarium. I won't lift the command until you are safe."

Sugawara's eyes pricked with tears and he touched his throat. Bokuto gulped. "Is he okay? Doesn't that hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. He just can't speak."

"Isn't that wrong?"


"You're controlling him. He obviously doesn't like it. Release him, please."

Daichi sighed. "Suga do you want me to release you?"

Sugawara grabbed his arm and nodded frantically.

"You can talk now," Daichi stated softly.

Sugawara turned out his door and threw up. "I feel him!"

Bokuto cringed, his fear of vomit evident. "I um- where?"

"The sea. He's got something with him. It's something with power. His energy was too dark to feel for a moment."

Bokuto nodded. "Can we get to him?"

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