2. Jellyfish

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Bokuto stared at the mess of flesh and scales where the sand and ocean met. "Gross..."

Kuroo's mother put her hair in a ponytail and leaned down, prodding the piece she had taken a picture of. "Gross indeed."

"It looks human."

"I dunno mama. Looks like fish belly."

"Here, look." She poked a piece of the debris and they saw a belly button. Kuroo gagged. "Told you."

"That's just- oh god I'm getting nauseous." He stumbled off to the side, away from the mess.

Kuroo's mother looked around, frowning. "This stuff washed up with the fish after that big storm the other day."

"There were a lot of fish that came up on the beach. Really messed with the kids." Bokuto scratched the back of his head. "This is creepy Ms. K."

"Very." She looked around before groaning at Kuroo hunched over a rock. "Tetsurou!"

"I-I found something!"

She rushed over and Bokuto kept poking at the fish and remains. This really was gross.

Kuroo's mother grabbed Bokuto's arm. "Inside! Now!"

Bokuto stumbled behind her as he was dragged. "What?! Why?!"

"I need to call the cops."

Bokuto stood inside of the aquarium entrance, eyes wide. Kuroo ran to get a phone. "Why?"

"There are human body parts out there."

Bokuto stared out the window. "No fucking way."

"Last time I checked, you aren't supposed to cuss." She grabbed the phone from Kuroo and stepped outside to talk on the phone.

"So do we wait?"

"I guess so." Kuroo cleared his throat. He shakily sighed. "I am definitely gonna have nightmares about this."

"What was it?"

"An arm. And a something else." Kuroo gulped. "I need to wash my hands."

Bokuto followed him to the bathroom, worried. He stood against the wall as Kuroo washed his hands. "You okay?"

Kuroo nodded. He looked pale.

"What was even out there?"

Kuroo shook his head.

Bokuto tapped his hand. "You need to sit down. You didn't really drink much water today either."

Kuroo grabbed Bokuto's hand. "I may legit have dreams about what I saw."

"What was it?"

"A woman's head," Kuroo whispered.

"Like just the head or...?"

"Just the head. But she was too pale and-"

"Woah chill. Wanna go watch the jellyfish?"

Kuroo nodded. He followed Bokuto, dazed a bit.

Bokuto turned off the lights and sat on the floor against the wall. Kuroo sat with him, wringing his hands. "Deep breaths there man. I have no idea what it looked like but I know it wasn't too good. Would you like me to hold you? Or would that be too much?"

"My dad- um... if he saw he'd get mad at the both of us and I just-" Kuroo took in a shaky breath. "Oh God. I can't even think right now."

Bokuto rubbed his back. "Your dad can eat shit. Come here dude, nothing wrong with me holding you."

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