16. Sunset Sea

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Bokuto glanced over while he drove, worried at the silence. Usually Akaashi was quiet but not silent. "Keiji? Hey, hey, hey tell me what's going on."

Akaashi glanced over from his half asleep state. "Mm?"

"You feeling okay?"

"Nauseous. Tonight is a bath night."

"Oh shit. Here, lemme pull over so you can get in the back." Bokuto eased the car into a parking lot and got out. He gently led Akaashi into the backseat and got him comfortable and safe. "Better?"


Bokuto kissed his forehead. "Fuck. Sorry."

"You're okay." Akaashi smiled sheepishly. "It's closer to a real kiss."

Bokuto chuckled. "Soon, soon. Just as soon as it's a good moment and I can't feel that force."

Akaashi nodded. He knew that Bokuto had become a bit more difficult to touch some days and tried to respect him as best as he could, cold or not. He had asked about a heated blanket because of these episodes of withdrawal. They only lasted up to a week at a time but it was always awful. Bokuto went nonvocal and slept with his back to Akaashi. He couldn't even hold Junpei without getting incredibly uncomfortable.

He swore it was nothing against anyone in the house and truthfully it wasn't. It's just that Kuroo read everything wrong and had ended up doing what he did. Even if it was just a kiss Bokuto had been so vulnerable and hurt from the trauma that had happened not even a full 24 hours beforehand.

They'd been working up to a kiss for weeks. Bokuto felt ready but every time he went for it he got nervous. Akaashi recommended trying in his siren form but Bokuto swore up and down and to the moon that his tongue would get cut. Akaashi was in full control of his body as long as he wasn't too tired so there was no point in fussing anyways.

Bokuto even attempted to keep Akaashi energized that way his gills wouldn't pop out or his spine wouldn't rip his shirt or blankets at night.

"You sleeping?"

"I can't sleep if you're talking."

Bokuto laughed quietly. "Fair. I'll wake you up in an hour so that we can get to the dock before sunset."

Akaashi yawned softly and hid under his blanket. Bokuto just drove around, easing Akaashi to sleep and calming himself for what was to come.

Tonight he was going to be able to kiss Akaashi. The crying session earlier with his therapist had been out of joy that he was going to do this. He wasn't going to just plain out ask it either. The whole sunset by the ocean thing wasn't really for him. It was romantic and he knew Akaashi missed being by the ocean and in the ocean. It was special to him.


"Open your eyes!"

Akaashi opened his eyes and nearly startled at the pop of oranges and yellows in front of him. The water in front of him was reflecting each and every shade of beautiful warm color he could imagine.

"Pretty, right?"

Akaashi noddeded. He wished he could just dip down into the water and swim for hours but he knew what could happen. He looked to Bokuto. He smiled. "It's so cold haha."

"That I can agree with." Bokuto held him closer. "Here, sit. Not too close."

Akaashi sat down and Bokuto joined him, wrapping an arm around his waist and resting his cheek on his head.

"I love moments like this with us. It doesn't happen a lot anymore with us working and Junpei babbling. But I love this."

Akaashi nodded. "I love this too. Is there anyway it could happen more?"

"I have no idea babe. Not a clue." Bokuto noticed his phone buzzing and groaned. "It's work. Can you run back to the car and get our blanket while I take this?"

Akaashi nodded again. He kissed Bokuto's cheek tenderly before going back to the car. He tried to open it but the lock stuck and he groaned. He tried to open the driver's side next before giving up and trying the trunk. At this point he could tell it was locked fully and started back towards the dock.

As he walked back he noticed the waves near the dock suddenly ripple over and over again, getting angrier. Bokuto had moved as well, now leaning over the dock and staring.

Akaashi froze.

That was his technique to get men to get close enough to capture them.

He ran and got to the dock just as Bokuto was about to tumble into the water. "Kotarou!"

Bokuto's eyes drifted towards him, milky white and glazed.

"I'll cover your ears, I promise. Just please, please back up a bit," Akaashi stated softly. He was using what he could of his power while in this form and he wasn't sure it would work as he needed. "Kotarou, I'm right here. That there is dangerous. Come here honey. I won't hurt you." Akaashi lowered to his knees, a hand out.

Bokuto's eyes softened and turned to their deep gold. His lashes fluttered and they flickered white.

"I'm here. I promise."

Bokuto's eyes watered. "Keiji help."

"I'm trying. I really am." Akaashi reached out and in the corner of his eye he saw a head pop above water. His eyes turned black and his teeth bared. "Kotarou it's me. I'm here. Come to me."

Bokuto's face dropped. His hand slipped down over the dock, going towards the water. Hands beneath the water reached up with razor sharp nails, nearly white and clear from the water. Akaashi grabbed for Bokuto and each of those hands grabbed Bokuto's arm.


Bokuto slipped off of the dock, falling into the water.

Akaashi's heart stopped beating. He could feel his chest full with anger at the fact that Bokuto had been taken. Without a thought for himself he decided to take off his pants and shirt, diving into the water.

His legs forced their way into being fused and scaled and he stretched out his arms, teeth bared as his eyes turned deeper. There was a group a hundred feet ahead, all surrounding Bokuto.

His blood had tainted the waters and he could taste it in his mouth.

Never would he taste that in his mouth again as long as he lived.

Sea Traitor - BokuAkaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora