53. The Dragons of Days Past- Uh... Present?

Start from the beginning

She continued in the direction of the Blue Pegasus guild members, their scent and that of their fear growing stronger the closer she got.

E/c eyes honed in on a nearby store. A canopy hung over its door, two stalls of flowers on each side. Y/n jumped up onto the nearest stall, skipping along the edges to avoid damaging more flowers than needed. She leapt again, landing on the canopy and springing off of it to reach the roof. The shingles clattered under her feet as she ran across the length of the rooftops. The sound of scraping and heavy footsteps let her know that she still wasn't in the clear

The line of buildings came to were coming to an end. A vast courtyard lay at the end of the roof not long before her and all the buildings around her were to far to risk jumping, lest she wanted to hurt her ankle again. She didn't.

Y/n ducked under another blast as she darted across the last roof. She pressed her foot against the very edge of the roof, pushing off of the building and launching herself into the air. For one terrifying, uncontrolled moment, she was falling. Then she hitched, suspended mid-air as she slowed her descent, gliding on draconian wings.

"I've really got to practice that,"

With a strong flap, she was rocketing into the night sky. The dragonoids screeched, shooting after her, but she was able to evade the attacks. She twirled around to face them, and with a large blast of fire, it seemed they wouldn't be bothering anyone for a while.

Y/n flew a little higher, her eyes snapping to a boulevard a couple of blocks away. The Blue Pegasus mages were facing off against a dragon whose scales appeared to be comprised entirely of stone.

A flash of movement on one of the rooftops nearest the dragon. A long, white coat billowing in the wind. A fog of an all too familiar type of magic, its crimson-purple hue a stark contrast to the night sky.

Y/n grinned.

Her wings folded back as she dove down. She barreled headfirst through the air, the ground below drawing nearer with every staccatoed beat of her heart. She winced as spread her wings, hanging suspended once more before she pulled them back and landed before the Blue Pegasus with a slight stumble.

"Well hello darling," Hibiki smirked. He took y/n's hand, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles and he dipping his head in greeting.

"Get back sideliners!" The mage in the white coat shouted from the rooftop as the spell grew stronger.

"Sideliners?" Ichyia exclaimed indignantly. He glared as he watched the man leap into the air and strike the dragon in the head.

Y/n tugged Hibiki behind her and knocked Ichyia back with a gust of wind. She could have grabbed him as well but she really didn't want to touch him. Her skin crawled at the mere thought.

She slammed her foot down and pulled her arms, crossed at the wrists to form an 'x', up in a sharp, quick motion. A wall of earth and stone rose up. It wrapped around the wizards, leaving only their backs open to attack.

Excess magic from the mage's attack burst outward, raining down on the streets below. Y/n pulled her arms further back over her head and the top of the wall began to bend, stretching out to form a ceiling of sorts. The toxins hissed and spit as they made contact with the shield.

Hibiki flinched as they ate a hole through the stone above his head. Y/n stretched a wing out over him, keeping him safe. She gathered the excess acid on her thumb and liked it up. If she was to win, she'd need to gather all the magic she could get.

Y/n let the shield drop, and the Blue Pegasus guild members gaped up at the new arrival.

"Cobra, from the Oracion Seis," Hibiki spit. He stepped in front of y/n as if to defend her. An act that was more humourous than charming. "What's the deal? You don't owe us any special favours."

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