35. As The Sun Sinks Down

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Y/n rose from her seat offering the bookworm a smile. "Thanks, Levy,"

The girl blinked. "Where are you going?"

"To check on Juvia of course," she replied. "We can't have anything worrying you now can we?"


Juvia looked up at the sound of a chair scraping across the floor. Her eyes immediately landed on y/n and her face flushed. She returned her gaze to her lap, suddenly finding it remarkably interesting.

Y/n dragged the chair right in front of Juvia and dropped down with a huff. It was backwards and so she draped her arms over the back of it as she leaned in toward the water mage. "What's the matter Juvia?"

"It's nothing," she replied, meeting y/n's e/c gaze for a fraction of a second.

"Right," y/n muttered, rolling her eyes slightly. "I used to lie for a living, you're going to have to try harder than that,"

Juvia opened and closed her mouth, seemingly unable to find her voice. She glanced around the guildhall, unable to look any of its occupants in the eye.

"How's this," She began. "I'll take you out for the day, to clear your head. And if you want to tell me, tell me. And if you don't, I won't force you,"

Juvia stared at the extended hand for only a moment before placing her own inside it. Y/n pulled the water mage to her feet with a wide grin.



Natsu took a step back in surprise as something soft hit him in the face. His scarf fell into his hands and he glanced up at y/n, a brow raised.

"I'm going out, figured you'd want it back," she told him with a shrug. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes as she grinned. She offered him a two-fingered salute before walking out the door, Juvia in tow.

He couldn't help but feel somewhat disappointed as he situated the scarf around his neck. Natsu had felt oddly proud, seeing y/n in his scarf. It was like he was warding off others. Marking her as his.

He shook his head at the thought, where the hell had that come from? Y/n was her own person. She didn't belong to anyone.

Yet. Whispered a voice, far back in the shadows of his mind.

A punch to the face was quick to snap him out of it. He turned his attention to Gajeel, cracking his knuckles with a grin.

"It's on,"


"This is my favourite place in Magnolia," y/n stated as she fell back onto the soft grass. She patted the spot next to her and Juvia sat, her legs drawn up to her chest. "It's quiet, hidden and it's absolutely gorgeous at sunset,"

"It is quite nice," Juvia hummed with an absent nod. She stared at the city below as if in a daze.

Y/n stared at the water mage, her brows drawn in concern. Despite everything, they'd done all day Juvia's mood had yet to improve. Her lips would quirk up into a restrained smile, but the light from it didn't reach her eyes. Whenever y/n thought she was doing well, Juvia's expression would fall once more.

She'd tried everything she could think of to lift her spirits. They'd gone shopping. They'd gone to the park. Y/n had even sacrificed her sinuses and gone into the pet store. Juvia seemed to get the most amusement out of watching her sneeze for an hour after handling the bunny.

"Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?"

Juvia frowned, turning to her curiously. "No. What about him?"

"He won a no-bell prize," y/n stated with a crooked smile.

Her lip twitched up and a few seconds later her shoulders were shaking with quiet laughter.

"There we go," y/n laughed, playfully poking her nose. "Much better,"

Juvia shook her head with a fond smile. It fell with her shoulders as she sighed, turning her gaze to the sky.

Blue and orange clashed, painting the sky with vibrant light as the sun began to dip under the horizon. It was fitting in a way, that the heavens seemed to grapple one another, mirroring the conflict that brewed within her.

"I'm confused,"

Y/n rolled onto her stomach, looking up at her with patient eyes. "What about?"

"I thought Gray was the one, my one true love but..." she paused, for a moment, taking a deep breath."There's another,"

"Is there now?" y/n asked, her interest piqued. "Who's the lucky person?"

Juvia's face burned, her cheeks stained vermillion. "N-no one,"

"Fine, keep your secrets," y/n shrugged. "But I don't understand why you're so bent out of shape about this,"

"Because I had Gray and I's life together all planned out," she exclaimed. "Now I don't know what I want,"

"Well, who do you like better? Gray or our mystery suitor?"

"I don't know," Juvia lamented, dropping her head into her hands.

"Hey, hey," y/n cooed, taking a hold of her wrists. Her touch was feather-light as she pulled Juvia's hands away, offering her a soft smile. "That's perfectly okay. Emotions are a confusing thing,"

"I guess your right,"

"Of course I am," she said, nodding sagely. She sat herself right in front of the water mage, staring at her expectantly. "Pros and cons of each of them. Go,"

Juvia's eyes widened. She fumbled with her words gesturing animatedly as she spoke.

"Who have you spent the most time with? Who makes you laugh the most? Who makes your heart flutter?" Y/n asked as she leaned forwards, propping her elbows on her knees. "Uh... Who seems genuinely happy spending time with you- dude I'm way out on a limb, please help me out here,"

"It's not who that's the problem," Juvia sighed, her eyes downcast.

"Then what is it?"

She hesitated, fiddling with her fingers which were suddenly much more interesting than the girl before her. Juvia knew that she could trust y/n, however that didn't do anything to stop the torrent of anxieties that swarmed her. But after meeting y/n's gaze she felt her qualms vanish as if washed away by a gentle current.

"I don't even know if she likes girls,"

Y/n blinked, assessing the blue-haired girl's words. The moment of confusion passed quickly and her lips pulled up into a wide smile. "Anyone would be lucky to have you Juvia,"


"Of course," she nodded. "You're so smart, powerful and fiercely loyal. Not to mention beautiful,"

Juvia's face burned so hotly that it hurt. "Do you really think so?"

"Hell yeah," she cheered, playfully punching her shoulder. "You're awesome,"

Y/n's hair shone in the warm light, glowing like a halo around her. Her eyes sparkled with a different kind of light, one that drew Juvia in like a lure. And it was in that moment, sitting on the crest of a hill overlooking Magnolia. Bathed in the soft glow of sunset as the air turned crisp with the promise of the night, that Juvia's mind became a little more clear.

"Yeah," She smiled faintly, her cheeks dusted pink. "I guess I am,"


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