29. Everyone Has A Vice, Mine Just So Happens To Be Murder

Start from the beginning

"Now that I'm all warmed up it's time to get serious," Hades declared, looking at each of them in turn. His eyes landed on Wendy last and stayed there, boring into her soul. She whimpered but didn't look away, holding his stare with wide eyes. He threw his head back with a shout and in an instant, Wendy was gone. Her clothes fluttering to the ground where they lay in a heap.

"What did you do to her?" Y/n stood at the entrance, her jaw set, hands clenched into fists at her side. Her tone was frigid, a stark contrast to the white-hot rage that burned in her e/n eyes.

"Y/n!" Lucy exclaimed, relieved that backup had arrived. She doubted that they could beat Hades alone. Even with y/n's help, it would be difficult.

"I asked you a question," Y/n said, ignoring the blonde. She brushed past her guildmates never once removing her glare from Hades' imposing form. She stood before him, her magic building up around her. It swirled in a vibrant display of colours before turning black as night. "What. Did. You. Do?"

"Believe me when I tell you that was a mercy kill," Hades stated, meeting her gaze unimpressed. "From this point forward each of your deaths will be more gruesome than the one before,"

Y/n snarled and lunged for the man, her arm warping into an iron club. He caught it with ease, throwing her to the wall. She flipped through the air, her feet landed on the wall for a second and she pushed off, flying at Hades once more. "Earth Dragon's Wing Attack!"

She bounded back, falling in line with her friends as she waited, breathlessly, for the dust to settle.

"'It's okay everybody, I'm fine!' she exclaims with relief,"

Y/n snapped her head up at the sound of a new voice. She frowned, it was Lucy's clock spirit. Horologium. The spirit had been known to show up from time to time when people were in danger, did that mean that Wendy...?

"My automatic danger detection mode was activated just in time!" he exclaimed.

"Really?" Lucy asked, an exasperated expression on her face. "I think your danger detection thingy needs an overhaul,"

"My apologies, but while you have faced troubles in the past, your life was never at risk," the spirit stated, before switching to a higher voice. "Thank you so much, Horologium! That was a close call, she says graciously,"

Y/n sighed audibly, her shoulders dropping with relief.

"I guess good timing is kind of his thing," Gray said.

Natsu blinked up at Horologium, his gaze flickering momentarily to the pile of cloth on the ground. "Why didn't Wendy's clothes go with her?"

"As it was an emergency I only had time to protect her physical body," Horologium replied. "I will provide new clothing for her,"

Gray's eyes widened. "Just her body? So you're saying that in there she's-"

Y/n cut him off with a slap upside the head. "Don't be a pedophile, Gray,"

"I'm not a pedo!"

"Really?" she asked, raising a brow. "You're always going around half-naked and now you want to know about Wendy's state of dress? Seems pretty pedo to me,"

"This is the only time I'll be able to offer my protection," Horologium said before Gray could reply. "So, please, take extra care, everyone. Goodbye,"

The spirit poofed away and Wendy dropped to the floor, her jaw set in determination. Y/n stepped forward to stand beside her. She placed a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze. They made eye contact and nodded.

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