23. I Start A Forest Fire

Start from the beginning


The mayor greeted the two wizards jovially, she didn't even care that they were from different guilds. She was just happy that someone had come to help. The mayor, a Rosa Vazquez, lead Lyon and y/n through the town as she explained the job posting more thoroughly.

A group of pillagers had been harassing any village that they came across. The crooks would steal everything of value and destroy property, eradicating anything and anyone who got in their way. Mayor Vazquez's town was the most recent hit.

Y/n's eyes scanned the tattered buildings and trashed lawns as the woman spoke. If there was anything she hated it was bullies. Sure she wasn't the nicest of people and her rap sheet was far from something to be proud of. But she had a reason for doing what she did. Ace needed medicine. Medicine costs money. She would pick a job and complete it. She only did what was asked of her, nothing more. Y/n took no pleasure in what she did. But these bandits were doing this for fun, that very thought alone made y/n's blood boil.

"We'll catch them," Lyon's voice brought her back to reality and she shook her head as if to clear it.

"Oh thank you, thank you." the mayor breathed, shaking Lyon's hand vigorously.

Y/n gave the woman an uncomfortable smile as she grasped her hands. Vazquez pulled the wizard into a hug and y/n shot Lyon a panicked look, her hands hovering uncertainly. Her expression was clear, help, what do I do?

But he merely smirked at her in response.

"Anytime," y/n said, awkwardly pushing the mayor back.

Vazquez thanked them once more and pointed the two in the right direction. She bid them good luck before turning to help a family reassemble their fence.

"You ready?" Lyon asked eyes training on the horizon. It was late afternoon and the sun was beginning to dip lower in the sky. They didn't have much sunlight left.

"Allons y,"


Y/n stopped suddenly, throwing her arm out to the side. Lyon grunted, started, as he walked straight into it. He opened his mouth but y/n was quick to cover it with her hand. Her eyes were narrowed as they swept their surroundings. She grabbed hold of Lyon and pulled him into the woods on the side of the path, pushing him down behind a large tree.

"What is it?" he hissed when she pulled her hand away.

She didn't say anything in reply. Instead, she nodded towards the woods on the opposite side of the road and held up a hand as if to say wait.

Soon enough a trio emerged from the brush, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Rather than take the path they crossed over to the side where y/n and Lyon hid. The h/c mage pushed Lyon further back and crouched lower to the ground, her gaze never once leaving the men as they walked past.

"Is that them?" Lyon asked, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I believe so," Y/n nodded, staring intently at the bushes through which they'd disappeared. "They're not carrying anything so they're likely returning from scouting out a location,"

"Or going to one," Lyon said as he slowly climbed to his feet. "I'll go take them out and continue on in the same direction, you go the other. That way one of us is sure to find their camp,"

"Meet back here in ten?" She suggested, slashing an x into the trunk of the tree.

He nodded.

They bid each other luck, and then they split, going their own separate ways.


Y/n sat perched upon a branch of an ancient-looking hickory tree. She peered through the thick foliage at the group of seven bandits gathered in the small clearing. Three women, four men. All had different builds and statures. As well as weapons and magical signatures. A couple of them even had accents, though y/n wasn't sure about the origins.

Her gaze shifted from the campsite to the brush on the other side. Was Lyon there yet? A flash of silver caught her eye. She had to admit, despite the light, near reflective colour of his hair, Lyon was surprisingly good at keeping himself hidden.

Y/n watched as one of the women made her way over to the edge of the clearing. She was only a few feet away from where Lyon hid. If she was to turn and take a couple of steps he'd be right there. Y/n tensed. She wanted to do something but she had to wait. They had a plan and unlike Natsu, she was going to stick to it.

"Come on..." She breathed, her voice drowned out by the rustling of leaves in the wind.

The woman took another step, y/n tensed, ready to throw the plan away. The bandit let out a startled shout when a volley of ice eagles flew from the trees, knocking her back. She clamoured to her feet with a growl as the camp erupted into chaos.

Y/n dropped from the tree onto the head of one of the men. He crumpled to the ground beneath her where he lay, dazed but alive. She grinned as the others froze, staring at her wide-eyed like startled deer. This was going to be fun.


Y/n slammed her fist into the face of an advancing bandit, knocking the woman back. She ducked under a sword and spared a glance in Lyon's direction.

He was fighting off the last of his opponents, the group's leader. She was the strongest mage out of the group and her exposed skin was littered with scars. She was spouting off the typical villain monologue and Lyon looked done, staring at the woman with a dead look.

Y/n snorted at the ice mage's expression before turning back to the two remaining bandits. They worked well together, moving and attacking in sync without a word being spoken. It was truly impressive.

The man ran for her and y/n sidestepped, grabbing him by the arm as he passed. She spun on her heel, pulling him with her and then threw him into his partner who had tried to sneak up from the other side. The two tumbled to the ground but were back on their feet in no more than a few seconds.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

They fell back and didn't get up again.

Y/n grinned and hopped up excitedly with a small cheer. But her celebration was cut short when she noticed the fire. The scent of burning became more prevalent as the orange flames made their way up a birch tree that had fallen victim to the collateral of her attack.

"Oh, shit,"


1,643 words

Hey guys, really sorry for the long wait. Also sorry for the poor quality of the chapter. There are far too many line breaks but I really didn't know what else to do.

Also sorry if anyone wanted an actual fight scene. Try as I might, I could not figure it out. Like at all. I can picture it happening but the second I try to write it all I get is garbage.

There will probably be a couple more of these filler type chapters before starting Tenroue.

Seriously thank you all so much for reading. Probably going to do another thank you oneshot but I don't know for who, I'm thinking Rogue but I dunno. I kind of need a plot first.

Stay safe everyone!

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