"Aren't you nervous?" He says softly. She doesn't react, and Oliver sighs, letting his arms go limp. I guess she didn't hear me, he thinks, resigning himself to spending the rest of their descent in silence. Honestly, I doubt she even knows what being nervous means. She stood up to Zeus no problem, and almost got into a fight with Thor! He looks down at himself, sliding his thumb over his keychain. I wish I could be that confident.

We're almost there, Melody thinks, a cold sweat coating her arms and back. She clenches her teeth, eyes locked on the end of the tunnel. Just a few more feet. What was that sound - was it him? Is that the door? Why did they have to make this stupid chamber so far down! She squeezes her thumbs harshly, blinking quickly to wet her dry eyes. Finally, the tunnel levels out, and Melody feels her heart jump into her throat as the stone door appears.

"We've arrived," Odin says, pausing next to the door. Melody stops as well, her hands shaking. She stares at it, panic overtaking her mind. He's in there. Odin's going to keep his word, right? Of course he will - but what if something happens? What if he doesn't want to be released? What if he refuses to help with the treaty? What if he tries to escape?

"Before we go inside, there's something I have to say," Odin adds, and Melody shivers. Odin reaches into his cloak, producing three golden bands: two smaller ones, and one larger. "I will hold to our agreement and release Loki. However, I also think we need some extra precautions before we allow him to leave."

"B-but you said-" Melody starts with a growl. She stops when Odin holds the three rings out.

"Remember, Marcus is a god now. And while I don't like it, Thor had a point. As an apprentice, there are certain things you can't handle on your own." Melody grumbles bitterly, nodding for him to continue. Odin separates the rings, holding the two smaller ones first. "These are magical bands I had created last night. With them, we can limit Loki's power. I can teach you the spell to activate them should he start to act out. These two would go on his wrists and were designed to drain his divine power."

"So... you'll still let him go," Melody says carefully. She swats absentmindedly at a fly buzzing around her ear. Odin nods, holding out the larger ring.

"This is to be warn as a necklace. Again, I can teach you the spell to activate it. The same spell will trigger both. But instead of draining his power, it will incapacitate him in... another way." He lets his words hang in the air, a cold look in his eye. "Once the spell is activated, it will inflect the same pain upon him that he's going through now." The tunnel suddenly rumbles, a muffled scream radiating from the door. Melody stumbles back a step, her stomach churning.

"W-Why would I ever want to do that!?" She snaps, clutching her stomach to keep her breakfast down. "The bracelets, obviously!"

"There may be times in the future where you're going to regret that decision," Odin says, returning the necklace to his cloak. "Even without his powers, Marcus can still be a threat. But I can see that you've made up your mind." He kneels down, placing a hand on Melody's shoulder. "I will now teach you the spell to activate the bracelets. Are you ready?"

"Yes," Melody says, trying to ignore the bitter taste rising from the back of her throat. She crosses her arms, glaring at him to make it clear how upset she is. Odin leans in, closing his eye.

"Spútať," He whispers, repeating it twice before putting back to meet her eye. "Remember that word. If Marcus does fight against you or tries to slip away, that will temporarily rob him of his powers. However, I expect it will only work for ten minutes at most. You'll have to capture him in that time. When you do, repeat the word to deactivate them."

Pantheon Book 2: The Way of the TaoWhere stories live. Discover now