"Ahem...." I didn't want to see anymore of the show. They turned to me  with naughty smiles.

"Get ready and come down. We are going shopping today." said Sarah.

"Wow...Don't you have to work?" asked Steve.

"No. I took the day off. I bet the kids would be so happy." she said.

Sarah is a school teacher and Steve is a Self Defense instructor. In fact they met when Sarah joined the Self defense classes. He owns the school of Self defense and Martial arts in New york.

"Shopping spree huh?" said Steve.

"Ok. I will be down there in half an hour?" I said.

"Cool." they said leaving.

Marc's POV

"You thought it would be sooooo Fucking easy. Didn't you?" George's tone was cold and wicked.

I didn't know how he got to know it was us. If he could stop bullshitting and told us how he knew, maybe I could come up with something.

"I seriously don't know why you'd think that-"

"Don't fuck around Marc. If you do that, you will piss me off. If you piss me off, I loose my temper and do something to your fiance. May be I will go inside and snap her neck or may be I'll just enjoy her for a while before doing that. You know how I enjoy women don't you?"

Before I could even process what he said, He switched on the TV to our side on the wall. There was Claire held hostage in a room. She was crying and screaming. I couldn't figure out what she was saying since there was no audio. But I couldn't stand seeing her like that.

"How long have you been working for me Marc?" George asked walking around my chair. "All these years and you don't know me at all? Boy that's a real shame." he said with a mocking sadness.

"Did you seriously think I brought Juliette out of her locked room to just tell you guys - who are worthless to me by the way- that I have found my mate?" He stopped in front of me and leaned down to reach my face. My eyes shifted from Claire to him.

"Bit of advice. Before climbing up the walls of someone else's property, just take some time to check if the place is under surveillance." He held the TV remote and pressed the button pointing towards the TV.

Claire was now gone from the screen. What appeared next made me feel like the biggest fool in the world. It was me with Kate and Amy hanging near the window talking to Juliette. I could see that the camera was actually pointing somewhere else. But it was now adjusted to show our faces. I was shocked to see that Amy was the one who adjusted the camera.

Before I could realize what actually happened, Amy walked out of one of the rooms and entered the hall. She was now standing beside George.

"Thanks to my lovely Amy that I got to know about you stupids." he wrapped his arm around her and dragged her towards him. Amy surrendered happily.

George retreated from the embrace and started to talk. "Oh.. and one more thing. My guards are not as stupid as you think. Carlos played idiot that day on my instructions." I looked at the entrance and saw Carlos give me a smirk.

"But....but you were the one who told us about Juliette's kidnap." said Kate. She  was as confused as me.

Amy gave us a neglectful glance and answered. "Well, yeah. I didn't know what was happening and why. So I came to you guys and told you what happened. But after that, I got a call from George. He told me everything. And seriously guys. It's not cool to separate mates." my mouth was so wide open with surprise a ship can fit inside it.

"Anyways, I decided to play along and see what you guys were up to. It was hell listening to all your stupid plans. So I helped you guys in your planning. I advised Juliette to seduce George. I thought Juliette would give in to the attraction. But she didn't. If she did, she wouldn't be gone now."

On those words, George's face turned red. He glared at Amy. If looks could kill, Amy would be dead by now. Hiding the fear in her eyes, Amy walked away casually towards the TV. George shifted his glare towards me.

"Where is Juliette? As per your plan, Amy was supposed to pick her up." said George.

Amy interrupted "And as per our plan, I would come right back to the house and hand over Amy to you." she said with a wicked smile. But George's eyes never left mine.

"Why did you let her go if you knew everything" Kate asked George.

I seemed to understand the big picture. I now realized how Alpha George's brain works. I replied to Kate's question involuntarily.

"Because we would be convinced." I whispered.

Oh my good god! He did this because we would be convinced that everything is working according to our plan. Once Juliette was in the car with Amy, Amy would take Juliette back to George while Kate and I went home feeling like heroes. We wouldn't even know where Juliette was. We wouldn't know she was re-captured. So we would stop searching for her around his house and search elsewhere.

But what is the need to convince us? He could kill people and no government would point a finger at him. So he clearly wasn't trying to hide from the law.

"I don't want people spying on my house everyday. Even stupid weirdos like you. That is why I had to convince you. I try mostly not to kill anyone if there is another way to get rid of them. That is the answer to the thousand questions going on in your mind right now." said George sitting on the couch not even looking at me.

Somehow, I wasn't convinced by that. The blood thirsty alpha avoiding a kill? No way. But even bigger question came into clear vision as my mind was searching for answers. That was George's question.

"Where is Juliette? and If Amy didn't take her, Who did?"

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