
Start from the beginning

"Binx?" Dani asked as she was sitting up. "Is that you?"

"Yeah." Here in the flesh, or should I see clear, was my best friend, and the love of my life, Thackery Binx. No longer was he a cat, but a human again instead. A ghost, but still human. "The witches are dead. My soul's finally free."

"You freed me Dani." He reaches his hand out to Dani, who placed her own above his. "Thank you." He looks over at Max. "Hey Max, thanks for lighting the candle. If you hadn't, then I would continue to believe that my best friend and woman I love was no longer living."

Thackery then walked over to me and held my hands in his, showing me that dashing smile of his that I had missed so much. "Angel, now that I stand before you in human form, I can come right out and say it. I love you. I love you so much. I'm sorry that our time together was short lived. I always dreamt that you and I would be together forever, but unfortunately, we can't always get what we really want. I would want nothing more than for you to live on."

"Not everyone can have what they want, but those who fight for it have the right to receive an award in return."

All of us turned around to see my mother in her ghostly form standing there smiling and waving at us as if it was normal. "Hello again."

Max and Thackery stood in front of us protectively. "Stay away! If you hurt anyone again-"

"It's all right. I am not here to hurt any of thee." She looked at me and smiled. I can not remember the last time she smiled at me as if she was proud of me. "You see, the truth is that I had to act as if I was on Winnie's and Mary's side so that I may be on their good side. Although I love thy sisters dearly, I also love thy daughter, even though I was not much of a mother to her. I had to go through with their choices, otherwise my child would suffer."

I walked around Thackery and towards my mother in surprise. "Are you saying that you did all that just to protect me? What would they have done to make me suffer if you went against them?"

She frowned at the questions I asked. "They would have either fed on your soul Splendora, or Winnie would have found a way to give thee an excruciating death far worse than that of what thou father went through."

"What?!" Allison and Max yelled at the same time.

"Oh, no, Angie." Dani cried as she hugged my waist, and I placed my arm around her, bringing her into a side hug.

Thackery wasn't too convinced. "How do we know that you are not sprouting lies? You have no way of proving that you truly care for your daughter."

"That is where thou art wrong, son of the former priest." When Thackery didn't say anything, but looked startled, mother continued. "There is one way that I can prove just how much I truly care for Splendora. Think of it as a form of an apology for making you and your sister go through something as horrible was what thy sisters and I had put you both through."

Thackery and I shared a look before asking the same question. "What is it?"

Mother's smile faltered into a thin line as she made eye contact with me. "I will give you the answer you have longed for. I know that you want to find a way to bring your beloved Thackery back. Not as a cat, nor a ghost, but human flesh instead."

I walked towards her until I was stood in front of her, and grasped her hands in mine. "You knew?"

"Sweetheart, I can tell that you want to be with Thackery, and he wants to be with you because you love each other so, so much." Mother looked from me to Thackery, then back to me again. "Anyone would be a fool not to see that."

Hocus Pocus: The Secret Sanderson Of SalemWhere stories live. Discover now