🎃🕯Chapter 05: "The Burning Rain Of Death!"🕯🎃

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A Quick A/N: Apologies for the late update! I've been pretty busy with work and other things in my personal life to able to update this fanfic, but here it is!
*Big sigh of relief* 😌

Thank you for voting, adding this fanfic to your reading lists, and leaving comments! 😁💐
I'm glad this has turned out better than I thought so far!

Anyway, hope you enjoy this late chapter!

We're halfway through already!
Can I get a "Whoop! Whoop!"?


K den 😅


"Oh, sweet revenge!" Winnie observed the room and rubbed her hands together while the other two jumped around in delight. "You see, sisters? My curse worked perfectly. One of many curses, in fact." I snuck Dani and I quietly and quickly towards the counter and hid behind it. We took a small peak at the sisters, watching them closely.

"That's because thou art perfect, Winnie." Winnie laughed at Mary's compliment, and Sarah grinned. Sarah stood on her tippy-toes, reaching for a rats tail she hid on one of the beams, while Mary spoke to Winnie around the cauldron in delight. "I knew I left this cauldron on. Didn't I tell you? Oh, I knew it!"

Sarah grinned from ear to ear when she found the rats tail she'd been looking for. "My lucky rat tail! Just where I left it!" Dani scrunched her face up. It's not exactly normal to have a rats tail as a lucky charm.

Then again, nothing about them is normal. The same could be said for me, I suppose. I kept an acorn for good luck in my pocket.

"But who lit the Black Flame Candle?" Winnie asked in curiosity. I looked over at Max, who started panicking.

Winnie turned around and gasped when she looked in Max' direction, but was actually focused on her book with the one eye. She tapped it a few times with a finger to wake it up. "Wake up. Wake up, sleepyhead. Oh, I've missed you. Did you miss me, too?" Somehow, I've always felt sorry for that book. "Come on now, we've got work to do."

I wonder what Winnie's reaction would be if the book never wanted to be used for bad intentions at all?

"Winnie." Mary steered Winnie's attention away from the book.


"I smell children."

"Sic'em." Oh, no! How could I forget about Mary's strong sense of smell?!

Both Mary and Winnie were walking slowly around the room while Mary used her sense of smell to sniff out Dani, Max, and Allison. "It's a little girl." Dani looked at me with panic in her eyes. "Seven...maybe eight and a half."

"Let's play with her!" Sarah yelled in excitement.

🎶Come little children
I'll take thee away

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