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Hey my lil kittens!! How are y'all!? It's the beginning of November and I'm already in the Christmas spirit so I wrote a Christmas story to get y'all in the spirit of that wonderful time of the year!

It's a Yoongi fanfiction, short story with OC.

⚫ I do not own the BTS members and this story is purely fictional.

⚫ The plot comes from my imagination, I didn't get inspired through a movie or a book or anything all the ideas are mine so don't steal them haha, I mean it.

⚫ All the events in this story are fictional, all the characters aside from Yoongi, as well.

Anyways I already finished the story and the end is already done so... yeah.

I really enjoyed writing this and it breaks my heart to finish it haha but oh well.

I hope you enjoy this, don't hesitate to leave a vote and a comment it would make my day!

⚠️Any negative comment will be disgarded and deleted, so no need fo spread hate or mockery I won't tolerate it. Peace and love is all that story needs.

Thank you so much and please enjoy and, in advance:


Have a lovely holiday, a beautiful time and lots of presents!!!



🎁Baby, It's Christmas🎁 || Short Story ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now