14. Merry Christmas

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Bella stirred in her sleep and both Jade and Yoongi awed at how cute she was, all huddled up into a fetus position, hugging her bear plushie.

"Bella, my little pumpkin it's time to wake up"Jade cooed and the little girl peeled her eyes open.

"Merry Christmas my angel"she added, caressing her forehead.

What a joy Bella felt, as she looked up and found both her mother and Yoongi waking her up on Christmas day. Truly this was the best Christmas ever.

"Mama? Uncle Yoongi?"

"Merry Christmas my Bellissima" Yoongi spoke up gently.

Sitting up the little girl rubbed her eyes before suddenly realizing what day it was.

"It's Christmas!!!"she cried happily.

"Yes"Jade chuckled "It's Christmas today. Now come have breakfast and open your stocking."

Suddenly bright awake, Bella sprang out of bed and ran down the stairs, gasping at the sight of her stocking filled to its maximum capacity.

She ran to it and started unpacking everything, gasping and marveling at the jewelry, the toys and the little items 'Santa' had given her.

Yoongi slipped an arm around Jade's waist, bringing her close to him as she leaned her head on his shoulder, both watching Bella with soft gazes.

Suddenly realizing she forgot, Jade jumped and turned to Yoongi with a small smile. "I almost forgot but Santa filled your stocking!"she sent him a wink and Yoongi's face fell.

"No you didn't-"

"Oh yes I did, mister now come on"she said grabbing both his hands and pulling him to the chimney.

"Jaaaade"he whined but she had none of it and giggled softly.

"You will open your stocking and thank Santa later."she chuckled, as the young man sent her a look before staring at the beautiful stocking before the chimney.

"Great, I'm back to age five"he deadpanned as Jade laughed at his lack of enthusiasm, knowing that deep inside he was excited for this.

Every year she'd made it a tradition, -since they were older and their parents no longer gifted them stockings, to keep one for him and either give it to him on Christmas day or later on.

He didn't think she'd actually done it again this year.

"I'll sue you for this"he pouted and she giggled happily. "Stop you know you enjoy this little tradition every year"she argued and he smiled with a small nod of the head.

"I do but still-"

"Good now open it."she said with sparkling eyes. How could Yoongi resist her? She was just too cute for her own good.

Jade's favourite Christmas carols played in the background and she sat on the couch, watching her two favourite people opening their stockings.

Yoongi frowned at the thing before opening it and peeking inside before closing it and staring at Jade with a knowing smile.

"No you didn't. "

"Yup"she winked sipping on her coffee.

They were all presents that retraced their story, for the both of them. There was a box of the cookies they shared as toddlers, their favorite toy they used to play with, a talking cow with a purple ribbon don't judge okay?, a book of piano sheets they used to play in high school, a CD of the Beatles, their favourite band from before, some paint, reminiscing the day they had an assignment in college and had to paint each other's portraits but had spent more time spreading paint on each other rather than on the canvas.

Next up was a picture framed of herself, Yoongi and baby Bella at the hospital. He stared at the picture with fondness, sharing glances and anecdotes with Jade on these different days.

At the same time, Bella was showing her presents to her mom, giggling at her uncle Yoongi opening his own stocking before marvelling at the fact that Santa really knew everything.

Yoongi slipped his hand deeper into the stocking and pulled out a photo album that he opened and a smile tugged on his lips at the sight of all their pictures together.

In the park as toddlers, elementary and secondary school, high school, the two of them laughing by the piano, college, mostly selfies in front of the building, or at home, covered in paint, etc.

"This... is just beautiful" Yoongi spoke, touched by the thoughtful present.

"Mama!!!! Look Santa gave me the purple plushie from the store!!! He really knows everything!!"Bella gushed, thrilled at all her presents displayed around her.

Jade chuckled with a nod of the head. "Woww he really does, all of this was on your list."

"I know right?! I love Santa! Thank you Santa!!!"she cried out in the house making both Yoongi and Jade chuckle.

Once unpacking presents was over they had lunch that Jade had prepared and then Bella went to play with her toys for some time.

Jade and Yoongi talked by the fire with coffee before them set on the table.

"So... when do we tell Bella?"Yoongi asked curiously and Jade nodded at the question before turning her head towards him with a smile.

"Let's tell her tonight."she grinned.

Yoongi smiled and she pecked his lips, before cuddling up next to him.

They spent the day playing games, letting Bella win and laughing joyfully at things the other said or exclamations Bella threw out there in her cute spontaneity.

They had dinner and before Bella could go to bed, Jade crouched before her.

"My Bella, there's one more present for you."she said and Bella's face lit up.

"Really? What is it?"

Jade stood up as Yoongi stepped into the light and took ahold of her hand.

"Yoongi."Jade simply said. "Yoongi's part of the family now, if that's okay with you..."

Bella's heart exploded with joy and she joined her little hands together thanking all the angels for this Christmas miracle.

"You mean he's my papa now? Not the mean on who makes you cry?"

Jade's face flushed at that, surprised of her daughter being so observant.

"Um, yeah that's right. He gets to be your papa. If you're okay with it, of course."

Bella walked up to the couple her eyes shimmering with all the Christmas joy she felt.

"Papa"she said simply, looking at Yoongi who instantly melted, feeling the tears sting his eyes. He was usually good at keeping his emotions in check but right now, it was different. This surely was one of the most beautiful moments of his life.

"My Bellissima"he murmured and she jumped into his arms as he picked her up and she hugged him tightly.

"Santa was right. Christmas comes with miracles. And my wish came true."she said leaning her head on his shoulder.

"This is the most beautiful Christmas ever. Thank you mama... thank you papa"she pulled away and hugged the both of them as tears flowed from their eyes.

Jade kissed her daughter lovingly. "Thank you my pumpkin for being such a joy in this family. I love you."

"I love you too. Both of you THIS much!"she said extending her arms to the sides making them chuckle at her antics through the tears.

Jade took out her phone and captured Bella hugging Yoongi tight with her thumb stuck in her mouth.

She smiled fondly and wiped her tears, feeling her life complete. She had Yoongi, now and forever. He was hers and she was his, for the rest of their lives. And Bella would grow with two parents, a father and a mother.

One perfect and happy family.

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