15. New year's Eve

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The holidays were going beautifully, Yoongi, Jade and Bella went to some other Christmas events, they walked through town, doing outdoor activities such as sleigh rides, crafting on displays, snowball fights, late night walks for Jade and Yoongi who could not get enough of each other and were making plans for their future together.

On New Year's Eve, Jade was decorating the house for her boyfriend and her kid to come home to and humming to herself when she heard the doorbell ring. She smiled.

"It's open!"she cried out for Yoongi and Bella to come in. Little did she know Bella was with Emily, while Yoongi was busy somewhere in town before making his way home.

The door opened and closed behind the person.

Jade turned around with a bright smile that vanished immediately.

This wasn't Yoongi or Bella, or even Emily.

"Mark?!"she gasped and the young man smiled.

"Finally decided to let me in huh?"he grinned and she glared hard.

"Get. Out. Of my house."

"Why? I told you to stop turning me down"he warned taking a few steps towards her as she stood her ground.

Mark went on:

"And I did say I would come on New Year's Eve. Don't tell me you forgot.."he frowned and she huffed.

"Of course I did. Now get the fuck out!"

"That bitch"he muttered with a scoff, glancing at the decorations before looking at her again. Jade huffed at the name calling.

"Excuse me? How dare you come in here and insult me in my own house! Get out!!"she yelled, furious but he shook his head, stomping over to her with fiery eyes.

"Not happening."he grabbed onto her arms and shook her harshly.

"Tell me first what he's still doing here! Tell me!!!"

"Ow! Who?"

"Min Yoongi. That's his coat."

Despite the pain from his brutal grip, Jade lifted her eyes and quirked an eyebrow. "Nice observation, fucking stalker."she spat.

The slap she received made her head whip to the side and ring painfully.

Tears stung her eyes due to the pain and she slowly turned her head to him.

"How. Dare. You."she growled before struggling in his grasp but Mark was stronger.

"Let me go right now!!"she cried out, thrashing but Mark held her tight.

"So what, you two are together now?"

"Yes and I love him more than anything in the world now fucking let go!"

"I'll kill that asshole!"

"Don't you dare call him names, Mark I'm warning you! If you touch one single hair off of Yoongi's head I will burn you!"she growled fiercely.

"Then give Bella to me."

Eyes widening at the command, Jade sent him a look of despite.

"Never"she spat. "Your behavior is abusive and fucking disgusting I'll call the police."

"The police is with me, now say you'll break up with Yoongi and come back to me with Bella."

"What are you, five? What's wrong with you and your fucking obsession on Bella and I huh?! You lunatic asshole."

"That's enough name calling, dearie, or else I'm going to get quite angry and you know what happens when I get angry. I break things."

She knew. She'd seen it in their five years long relationship. He was brutal and violent, ready to threaten anyone who contradicted him.

🎁Baby, It's Christmas🎁 || Short Story ~ Completed ~Where stories live. Discover now