13. Christmas love

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They swayed on the pavillion for some time before heading back inside, Yoongi's vest on Jade's shoulders.

Bella was looking for them and once the spotted them she ran up to the couple.

"Mama! Yoongi!"

"My Bellissima"Yoongi responded, opening his arms as she jumped to him and he picked her up.

"Uncle Yoongi, I danced this many times!"she said showing three fingers making them both smile fondly as Yoongi kissed her cheek.

"That's great, wanna dance with me?


"Let's go."he said, keeping her in his arms and taking her little hand in his, swaying gently with bright smiles on their faces.

Jade took out her phone and started recording them dancing happily.

The night ended soon after and they drove home a sleeping Bella.

Yoongi parked the car and they exited the vehicle. The young man picked Bella from her mother's lap, taking her in his arms as she leaned on his shoulders fast asleep.

He tucked her into bed with Jade before they both walked to their rooms and changed into their comfy pajamas.

Jade had a funny Christmas pair of pajamas, while Yoongi wore a red T-shirt and some square patterns pants.

Jade added a pair of warm socks and walked down the stairs to meet with Yoongi, smiling at how domestic this was.

She poured herself a warm cup of coffee while he revived the fire.

She came out of the kitchen and met with Yoongi who gazed at her intensily. How could she be so gorgeous in pajamas?

He wanted to take her in his arms and make a mess out of her. No, Yoongi, be cool, be good. But it was hard considering the way she was currently gazing at him, stars in her eyes, her lips still carrying the dampness of her coffee she had just sipped.

He swallowed and looked away, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm just gonna... yeah"he excused himself and entered the kitchen preparing himself a coffee.

Jade shook her head, she needed to stay cool, and be good, she couldn't just kiss Yoongi any time of the night, it wasn't right, no matter how much she craved it. Especially now that they'd confessed their feelings to each other...

Once they were all set with coffees before them on the table they sat on the couch, not really knowing what to say or do.

There was so much to say, but wording it out was hard.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"Wanna watch a movie?"he asked to ease the tension and Jade jumped at the sound of his voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Er yeah yeah sure."she said and picked up the remote, opening Netflix and picking a random Christmas movie.

They both sat back into the couch, a few inches from each other, trying to keep focus on the cringy movie in vain.

Yoongi's heart was beating faster and he just wanted to kiss her right now, touch her, make her his completely.

No! Yoongi no! Keep your hands to yourself. She's probably into the movie right now.

The tension was palpable but they pretended not to notice it.

Jade's breath hitched in her throat at the thoughts going on through her mind, thoughts of hot makeout sessions with the man sitting beside her.

🎁Baby, It's Christmas🎁 || Short Story ~ Completed ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora