3. Christmas wish come true

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"Good to see you J."he smiled again, with a tender look in his eyes.

Silence followed as Jade remained speechless on the threshold. Yoongi rose his eyebrows.

"May I come in? It's kinda cold outside."he chuckled.

Snapping out of her daze, Jade widened the opening, stepping aside.

"Um sure, I mean yeah er come in!"

"Thanks."he beamed at her and entered the house.

"Wh- what are you doing here?"Jade asked, still dumbfounded to see her long time best friend in her house as she closed the door.

"UNCLE YOONGI!!!"Bella screamed out of pure joy and ran to him.

"My Bellissima!"Yoongi chuckled putting down his bags and opening his arms.

Bella jumped in his arms as he picked her up and she hugged him tight, making the young man's heart swell.

"Aww look at you, squirrel, missed me?"

Pulling away, Bella spread her arms to the side. "I missed you THIS much!"

"Wowww that's a lot of missing me"he teased and she giggled happily clapping her hands.

"Why you come here?"Bella asked with an inquisitive look.

"Why, I came to spend Christmas with my two favourite people!"he replied with a grin and Bella clapped her hands again.

"Really?!! Uncle Yoongi I need to show you my list for Santa!! Mama said I'd see Santa before Christmas day!!!"

"No way that's so cool!!!"he gushed enthusiastically. "You HAVE to show me, I'm all ears my Bellissima"he said and pecked her on the cheek, drawing a fond smile on Jade's face.

She still wondered where on earth had gone his famous plans for the holidays he'd told her so much about.

"Mama!"Bella called out, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Yes my pumpkin?"

"Can Uncle Yoongi tuck me into bed tonight? Pleaaaase"she asked with puppy eyes and Jade chuckled.

"Sure thing. Yoongi you don't mind?"

"Anything for my little squirrel."he said and pecked her on the cheek again making the young girl giggle once more.

He walked towards the stairs, still carrying the little girl in his arms as she began telling him all about the snow and the funny elves and how her mama had allowed her to bake cookies with Emily. Yoongi listened carefully, throwing a few "no way!!!" and other "that's so great!!" along the way.

They disappeared upstairs and Jade remained by the door, still dumbfounded by the turn of events.

"Why, I came to spend Christmas with my two favourite people!!"

There was no way he simply cancelled his plans like that, perhaps something went wrong and he'd had to cancel everything in the end.

She just hoped he hadn't learned about that pathetic situation she was in and had come just out of pity. She hated that.

Shaking her head she went to the kitchen and smiled at Emily who was like a sister to her.

"Are you okay?"Emily asked gently and Jade smiled again.

"I will be. Things are tough but you know... they get better eventually."

Sending her a tight comprehensive smile, Emily set a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

🎁Baby, It's Christmas🎁 || Short Story ~ Completed ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora