chapter 79:student vs master pt.2

Start from the beginning

Ashes foot connects to his face only for him to brush it off

Haoyu:if I don't use attacks that I can predict for "defence" and instead, focus only on "attacking"...

Haoyu then slams his elbow into Ashes chest

Haoyu then slams his elbow into Ashes chest

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Haoyu:this is what happens

Haoyu then pulls his leg back


[Renewal Recoilless]

[Renewal Recoilless]

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Haoyu:I can easily decide whether to deal another blow based on the damage to my opponent

Ash slumps against the wall his hair covering his eyes

Haoyu:I'm not sure if I told you before but "this" is a truly unbeatable item so just the fact that I used it alone is breaking the rules

Verdandi then appears behind him as he looks at the slumped Hybrid

Verdandi then appears behind him as he looks at the slumped Hybrid

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Haoyu:when combined with my borrowed power it's even more "unfair". Plus, aside from when you're in "Kai Morningstar" state, you're even weaker and clumsier than you where in the competition. Master,can't we just stop this here?

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