Chapter 31: Lean on Me

Start from the beginning

He bolted around the corner and saw the hallway stretch on for a few more yards, before dropping off in the distance with another hallway on the other side of the massive gap. Peter furrowed his brows at the strange architecture and crept further toward the ledge. The wind blew louder than ever in his ears as he slowly peeked over the ledge.

His stomach dropped with intense dread as he spotted more openings just like the one directly across from him. These hallways stretched on in a tight pattern into the distance and went so far he couldn't even see the other side. He couldn't tell how high up he was. He couldn't tell if he was high in the sky or deep underground. He couldn't tell if he was finally outside or just inside a larger more insane complex.

"What the f....?" He breathed out to himself, dropping to his knees with defeat. He hung his head and shut his eyes tightly. "This isn't real." He whispered to himself.

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands shove him hard, sending him hurdling over the edge. He looked to see who it was, but only saw a black silhouette standing on the ledge he once stood on, looking down as he hurdled into the black abyss. Peter flicked his wrist, trying to web the nearest ledge. However as soon as the web line left his wrist, he could feel gravity itself pull him ten times harder than before. As he passed more and more hallways his vision soon became so blurred from the sheer velocity he was falling at, that they became little more than strips of color whizzing past him. He gasped as the wind blowing past his face soon became so great that he couldn't breathe.
That was when Peter suddenly shot upright in his bed, panting with beads of sweat rolling down his face across his abs. His heart raced with terror and he looked around the space in confusion. He could hear Raven groan as she was woken up and she sat up next to him.

"Peter?" She asked, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "What is it?"

Peter kept panting, catching his breath before replying. "Bad dream..."

Raven looked at him with compassion, before pulling him toward her and hugging him tightly.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah." He replied as he felt his breathing slow back to normal. "Just scary is all."

Raven gave a yawn before asking, "What was it about?"

"Um." He furrowed his brows with sudden confusion. "My dream?"

Raven looked at him in confusion. "Yeah."

What was his dream about?

"I actually can't remember." He replied, his mind racing with confusion. "As vivid as it was... it's just gone now... weird."

"Are you okay?" She asked, placing a hand on his.

"Yeah. Yeah." He nodded as he rose to his feet. "I'm probably not gonna be able to get back to sleep, so I'm just gonna hit the training room early."

"Again?" She asked with a slight smirk. "You're a bit of a workaholic this week, aren't you?"

"Just trying to be my best self." He shrugged with a wide smirk. "I'll let you get some more sleep." He leaned down and locked lips with her for a few seconds before standing back up. "I love you."

Raven watched as he walked toward her door with concern. "I love you too."

Raven slept for a few more hours before waking up right before the sunset as per usual. She went into the kitchen for some tea, expecting to see Peter with the other Titans, but he wasn't there.

"Hey, have you guys seen Peter?" She asked curiously.

"Nah, haven't seen him." Beastboy replied, keeping his eyes glued to get TV screen.

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