36 | The Cold Shoulder

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{ Skye Hopper's Pov}

"Hey, Bruce" I say through the phone.

"Hey" He responds, his voice not near as cheery as normal.

"What're you up to today? Wanna hang out?" I ask, ignoring that slight feeling that had formed in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm busy" He says, his voice still cold.

"You okay, Yamada?" I ask.

"I don't know. Go ask Robin if he wants to hang out" He says before a dial tone fills my ears.


Oh my God. Does he think I like Robin? What would make him think that?

I've hardly hung out with Robin these last couple weeks.

I decide to climb on my bike and ride over to the Yamada's home. I knock sheepishly on the door as footsteps approach the door.

Bruce opens the door. He looks at me. "What" He asks me.

"What did you mean about Robin?" I ask the boy. "What's going on?"

"Don't act stupid, Skye" He says, closing the door.

I stood on the porch for a few minutes.

What the hell has him so convinced?

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