19 | Assembly

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{skye hoppers pov} 

A voice rings through the English room as the Principle calls everyone to the gymnasium. Everyone walks down to the room said prior. I sat down by Bruce. I have a feeling what this is about. I really hope it's not. 

" I called everyone down here today because one of our students went missing yesterday. Vance Hopper " The principal states as I clutch my fists. 

Bruce laces his fingers with mine, keeping his eyes focused on the man standing in the middle of the room. 

"Sources are saying that he was taken by a kidnapper who is linked to other disappearances. If you know anything at all, please tell me, a trusted adult, or a police officer " The principal orders. 

I stand up and walk to the bathroom with tears in my eyes. This assembly is making it so real. Vance is gone, somewhere in this town, and I don't know where he is. He could be dead for all I know. If I didn't hang out with Robin, I would've been with Vance if I wasn't fighting with him.

That's when the realization hits me. I was fighting with Vance. I never made it up to him. The bathroom door flies open and I hear steps walk towards me. I look up at the figure and see Bruce with a worried expression on his face. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, sitting next to me as I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I was fighting with Vance when he went missing" I say sadly." What if I never see him again and the last time that I did we were screaming at each other"

"Youll see him again. I promise" Bruce says with a comforting smile.  

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